Tuesday, August 26, 2008

mum not around...

Days ago my mum received call from my dad...
My dad asked her to go KL sign documents for the houses...
So, yesterday 4 pm my mum took bus leaving me alone at home go KL... T.T
hehe actually my mum asked me to go with her =)
Aiyo...... but I'm so lazy... take bus 5 hours to reach... then 2 more days take bus come back Kuantan again...
2 more days later have to take bus back Inti again...
OMG!!! I dont want to waste all my resting time on a stupid bus journey !_!

Since my mum not at home... sad sad nobody cook / buy food for me @@
What's worse is... nothing for me to eat at home... *cry*
No maggi no breads no snacks haiz so empty... water I drink at home is 5litre bottle bought from market because the water filter expired but never renew >.< Why leh? because my mum also seldom at home recently, every 2 weeks my mum will go s'pore take care my bro in law who currently still haven't completely recover from the operation =)

Honestly, I wanted to ask my friends to take my lunch & dinner =)
But...... Unavoidably, I over spent for this month, as I mention in previous posts... ( friends birthday, farewell, presents & etc... )
Now I have to save money for next month in college @@
These days I will be taking my dinner at my Aunt's house, where I use my cousin's pc to write my blog ^^

Headache... headache... I'm so confusing now... want? or not? do? or dont? today? or when?

* think twice before action is not always correct... what's right & wrong only can be known after you do... dont hesitate! *


Cnck said...

Mum not at home? Haha.. sure miss me a lot le? Why don't you go out and play with your friends?

jadelim said...

my friends here all form 6, having STPM trial soon...
at night got go out yam cha lor sometimes =)
those went college next week only holiday @@ sad