Friday, August 8, 2008

a special dinner...

What's so special for today's dinner???
It was special because she's having dinner with us together!
I took a picture of her... sadly she never let me snap her cute face >.<
who's that...?

Haha... a plate of chicken cheese now left chicken bone... bone is her signature ^^
This girl dont eat tomato @@ that means she dont like tomato??
During my first 3 years in secondary school, I was given a nickname called "tomato"
Wanna know why? Yes or Yes? haha no choice for you, I wanna say =P
My chinese name is "fang jie", 1 of my friend pronounced it wrongly became "fan qie" ( tomato )... Sweat... since that they all like to call me tomato !_!

Another reason why tonight's dinner was special... We were accompanied by live Olympic opening ^^
the official symbol of Olympic... 5 colorful onion rings ^^
a flexible man with a hole on his chest @@
China had well prepared for this opening for years... 43 billions in total $.$, yeah its really worth it, so pageantry! Especially when the man holding the fire torch "walking" in the sky while the background is moving at the same time, then he light up the giant fire torch ^.^
If my grandpa & grandma still here, they definitely feel so proud with their home country =D My eldest Auntie who stay in Hai Nan Island maybe went to the opening as well although Beijing is far away =)
The welcoming cheerleaders are so pretty with their sweet smile... how come all of them are so fair ^^ I praise them so much, they have been standing / dancing for 4 hours on the field welcoming every countries' participants entering the stadium... pity their tiring sexy legs hahaha!!

* I'm looking at the photo, I smile to it, I talk to it & even kiss it... because you're in the photo =) *

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