Wednesday, August 13, 2008

miss you... him, her & them...

My title sounds weird? hehe yea it is... What I trying to say is... I miss everyone who're not with me right now =) for example : Carter, Sim, Carmen, Shu yi and bla bla bla... ^^

Today finally get to eat Nasi Kandar... it has been closed for 1 week + @@
The cashier bought a new pinky hello kitty calculator... I think the old calculator spoil dy due to over use... the customers there always non-stop coming & non-stop queuing up to pay and leave... Conclusion, business related to chicken can earn abundance ^^
1. Kentucky Fried Chicken
2. The Chicken Rice Shop
3. Ayamas
4. Chicken with bean sprout
5. Ramle Burger
6. "chicken" ( human ) & etc...
feel so bad when writing the 6th 1 @@

1 thing make me unhappy today...
have you ever experience this...? lets say there are A & B person... you asked & wanted to discuss something with A, but A goes to discuss with B, at last you get to know it from B which you actually did asked A yourself... then A never tells you the decision A made... sad la >.< style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);">

* its not how good you are, its how good you want to be... you can make the move... *

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