Wednesday, August 6, 2008

BBQ =)

Mr Chan & his 2 kids... and linear class students =)

I'm thinking how to name this BBQ... Its a celebration end of linear class? or a celebration for Mr Chan's birthday? or a farewell BBQ for friends who leaving Inti?
Haha... its a 3 in 1 BBQ @@
sausage, chicken wings & lamb chop... yum yum~

I guess when Bryan see this picture... He must be swallowing his saliva & talking to himself "oh my god!!! fooooood... grab grab grab... they are all mine!!!" XD
After the BBQ, Prof Azim gave us some lectures on politics, educations, races, economics, students & lecturers in Inti, and wow too many, I cant remember haha... He's a Malay but he criticized on Malays, no offense =) really enjoy listening to his experiences & story ^^

Let's continue with my previous post... My roommate, Carter =)

Photo taken during Inti Ball, Me and Carter ^.^

My roommate's full name Ng Chun Kean from Segamat =)
I have been staying with him for 2 semester, really not short... So far, he's the only friend I spend that much time together, eat, sleep, play, chit chat at night and study...
Guess what he's hobby is? taking photo!!! he's the main supplier for photos in my blog =D If you got his friendster account, you can find hundreds of his solo photos in his album @@! This naughty Carter even took many of my sexy sleeping posture photos >.<"
Hmmm, Carter also a full time teacher, can you imagine how proud am I having a teacher staying in the same room for 2 semesters??? ^^
Another important role he holds is....... I get to meet my dream girl through him! Carter often do revision together with her & friends... So I follow him when I'm free hehehe =D without him I got no chance to see her, or sit besides her when she's doing revision in common area...
Next semester I have to enroll Biology class to replace Carter's role because this August he's studying abroad at Drake Uni, far far away from me T.T
Carter oh Carter... I will mizz you voice, your smell, you body, and your everything ^^ sounds so gay muahahahaha!

* we can make friends everywhere, but a true friend is not everywhere...*
* we can make love everywhere, but a true love is not everywhere... lolz! *

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