Sunday, August 17, 2008

infinitely sad day T_T

The very first sad thing for today was the farewell with my friends in KLIA...
I gone crazy when saw Nicholas's eyes went red & shiny then tears flowing out when hugging his girlfriend !_!
Once I saw that, I ran behind Sin Yuan to cover my tears too, shame la... @@

my roommate with Mr Smiley :)
Hehe this is what I bought for Carter... there's reason behind of course... actually most of Carter's blog were full of sadness, he likes to think negatives...
So, I hope that Mr Smiley can makes him more happy & smile always =)

I'm also a negative thinking person I guess...

Today... today... someone put something into my bag without my awareness & pretend nothing happen...
Just not long ago, she asked whether I check my bag or not...
I found out she gave back me the earrings I bought her...
In that second, I felt like a big hole in my heart... it hurts me very very!
Once I saw that earring box which strapped by paper, my first thought was ..... it out from my bro's house down the hill...
but I think I should take a last look at what I bought, such a failure in my life... then I opened it... a small note was inside the box...
I think its a bit private, maybe she will not happy if I post note's picture here, I better dont upload it... I can only absorb this 2 words which is "keep it..." words behind that I will totally ignore them, I cant accept that & I will never do so...
This will be my first time keeping thing being returned to me...
I will take it as a reminder, what a failure and shame I did...

sorry earrings, your owner dont want you... you have no owner from now on...
I cant believe that she really gives it back to me... I removed the note, and the "star" was from her...

* no matter how sincere I'm or what I did... they worth nothing to you... they return as a sharp knife... *


Cnck said...

I cant believe she do such thing..Gona scold her alrdy..
Why need to return the thing back!?
I rather to see it in the dustbin..

jadelim said...

yea... its the fact...
maybe she has no dustbin leh @@
dont scold her la, she has her reason...