Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1st day at home ^^

Let's see what I took for my breakfast =)
breakfast 4 the day =D
Have been 4 months never eat my mum's cook, miss it so much! T.T
so... this is my 1st breakfast at home hehe... chicken rice... boneless 1 oh so easy to eat =D
It is 1 of my mum's special cook ^.^... other than that still got nasi lemak, curry chicken, duck rice, steamboat, and many many ..... waiting her to cook for me kaka ^^

Later at midnight I watch tv till quite "early"... a bit hungry but cant find anything to eat and maggi no stock @@!
Then I go grab some eggs to boil...
Waseh... the results from boiling eggs !_!
I used a spoon to move the eggs out, the spoon slipped & the boiled water on the spoon fell on my hand.............. hell pain T.T
then the red red start coming out... my skin feel so dry, so "spicy" and so dead @@
Dunno who to blame... the stupid eggs? stupid spoon? stupid water? or stupid me >.<"

* no one is to blame, its over so forget about it... I will accept it, dont worry... *


Cnck said...

SOOOOOOOOOOO SAD!! I need you, I need your MALAYSIAN food!! Miss it a lot la!!

jadelim said...

oh... I also wish I could try the food at your place now =)
Dear, keep trying then 1 day you will love it ^^

^.^v 天蝎小魔女 said...

stupid JADE