Saturday, August 30, 2008

dont mess with ZOHAN...

Hmmm... I think my mum never been to cinema watch movie for half years & more... Nobody at home, she's always alone in Kuantan @@
Yesterday I went movie with my mum, sister & her bf...
"Dont mess with Zohan"
Its a comedy... lolz really stupid the movie... freaking funny & carries a lot meaningful moral values behind about the world... especially war between countries...
Today's recommendation... ^^

* no self-interest, no super weapon, no super power then no war... world peace =D *

Thursday, August 28, 2008

my new Identity...

a piece of paper
Haha... a small piece of paper... my new IC... RM 10 leh >.<
Yesterday I went to change my IC, my photo just like a kid ^^
I remembered that time I went TOEFL in Penang...
The officer asked for my IC, the way he look at me so weird...
I know he's wondering am I the real person??? Waliao~~ almost dont let me take the test =.=
Okay... back to topic...
I'm so curious why renew IC they have to take away my old IC...
Cant I keep it 1st, later when I go to collect my new IC only give it back???
What a stupid action taking away my IC & give me a dam piece of paper... Inconvenient at all!!! stupid management of government department!!!
Fine... I nothing to say...

Then I go to immigration department... I wanted to extend expired date for my passport...
Guess what I learn there?
Jade : "I wanted to extend 1 more year for my passport expired date "
Officer :"we dont provide extend years for passport since dunno how many years ago... If you want to, you have to pay 300 for 5 years... we only take 6 months from your original expired date... "

WTF la... that means if my expired date is 3 years later, then I renew now the 2 years half will be forfeited... speechless!
No matter what, I need to pay 300... even for 1 year extra T.T
Ok fine again... then I said ok lor I pay 300 for 5 years...

What again now???
Jade : Ok... then I renew it for 5 years...
Officer : show me our IC...
Jade : I have this piece of paper IC only...
Officer : Oops sorry Sir, then you have to bring your birth cert as prove...

Oh my fucking god, what the officer need is just my name, IC number & address...
The "spare paper IC" cannot use as my identity...
you know what... the paper given to me still have the "line" like our paper money to prove real under the dunno what what light... @@
that means the piece of paper still can be a fake thing...???
then why am I given the "spare paper IC" for??????????

Haiz... how to describe government department?
Inconvenient, brainless, fucking policy, go to hell la.........

* making money from people you so genuis, helping people who make you rich you so idiot... *

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

memories... Nicholas, Bryan, Sim & Carter...

Been a long time never eat cheese cake lur...
Yesterday suddenly wanted to eat, I asked my cousin accompany me go secret recipe hehez =)
I drove there using my mum's car... Everytime I parking I will thought of Nicholas @@
I'm sucks in side parking... you can hardly find side parking slot in Kuantan, mostly "70 degree parking" =)

branch in Kuantan...
Bryan, are you reading my blog? can you see the catalog on the table?
Health Cake... you become over excited & "high" after eating it, then start talking cock... XD
my tomboy cousin ^^
My cousin, Yee Ching, 18 this year still available oh... if you're interested can ask her hp number from me, but beware of her violence, she's quite fierce oh =D
she likes to eat cake very much but scare fat... haha girls' greatest phobia XD
look at her happy face... busy tasting her cake never notice I took her picture kakakz...

Oreo Cheese hehez...
I guess my friends who see this cake will know what I mean by my post title ^^
This cake was Sim's birthday cake on 08-08-08 =)
Now he's in US dy... miss his childish act haha =P
Arigato for ur "bao bao", I not going to wash it leh... I want to keep the bird smell =D

a gift... bunny cup =)
Anyone seen this before? its a gift from buying 2 yogurt drink... my mum always buy yogurt drink for me, cause I said plain water no taste hahaha =D
I took this picture few days ago but forgot to bring cable to transfer to pc @@
Yesterday night I finished my last drop of yogurt drink, I remembered this "bucks"bunny cup ^^
Bryan...... you still dare to wear the "starfuck" shirt in US? you might mislead the people there to rape you oh >.<" I just finished watching a cartoon series, Maple Story... haha I thought of the "kuku" I gave my roommate, dunno if he's still hanging it on his hp =D

* I'm thinking of you everynight before I sleep... you looks so real in my mind even I cant see you... miss you~ *

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

mum not around...

Days ago my mum received call from my dad...
My dad asked her to go KL sign documents for the houses...
So, yesterday 4 pm my mum took bus leaving me alone at home go KL... T.T
hehe actually my mum asked me to go with her =)
Aiyo...... but I'm so lazy... take bus 5 hours to reach... then 2 more days take bus come back Kuantan again...
2 more days later have to take bus back Inti again...
OMG!!! I dont want to waste all my resting time on a stupid bus journey !_!

Since my mum not at home... sad sad nobody cook / buy food for me @@
What's worse is... nothing for me to eat at home... *cry*
No maggi no breads no snacks haiz so empty... water I drink at home is 5litre bottle bought from market because the water filter expired but never renew >.< Why leh? because my mum also seldom at home recently, every 2 weeks my mum will go s'pore take care my bro in law who currently still haven't completely recover from the operation =)

Honestly, I wanted to ask my friends to take my lunch & dinner =)
But...... Unavoidably, I over spent for this month, as I mention in previous posts... ( friends birthday, farewell, presents & etc... )
Now I have to save money for next month in college @@
These days I will be taking my dinner at my Aunt's house, where I use my cousin's pc to write my blog ^^

Headache... headache... I'm so confusing now... want? or not? do? or dont? today? or when?

* think twice before action is not always correct... what's right & wrong only can be known after you do... dont hesitate! *

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Olympic Closing~

Haha.. Olympic closing? nothing to do with me la @@
But I can use this chance to sms her once a day wor =D

Yesterday I watched the closing with my mum, she said she wanted to how the closing...
When advertisement time, a Digi fatty helping a springboard/platform diver... =D
I asked my mum why, she told me pull the diver down @@"
hahahahaha why pull the diver down for the competition??? my mum dunno anything about it at all >.<
In fact, the score is highly related to the water splashed at the moment he dive into the water, lesser water splashed higher score... pulling will fasten the speed thus huge water will splash out @@
I asked her what she know about some other sport huh...? so these are the answer she gave me =.="

Score for matches :
Badminton: 25... Sweat... its 21 la
Ping Pong : 14... Haiz... its 11 la
Volleyball : 0... hahaha she's angry with me keep laughing at her already ^.^

When almost end of the closing Andy Lau took part in the singing, my mum's idol... she so excited & said he still looks so young so handsome @@! hahaha...

My uncle went to KL for body checking & having operation this weekend... god bless him...

~end of the day~

* mind our daily meals & lifestyle to maintain + improve healthy body... *

Saturday, August 23, 2008

these 2 days...

Hehez 2 days never post anything cause no time to go my cousin house =)

2 days ago, someone told me her most meaningful thing to do during holiday is SLEEP... haha it is so true =D
College students usually sleep very "early" during studying days...
In my 1st sem, my friends & I usually were sleeping at 1am something... during weekend, we went cc at 8pm or 9pm...
later 2nd sem 3rd sem and 4th sem... we started going very late, sometimes we go at 3am, play until 9am... then go to class... what a bad habit @@!
During college life, my time horizon almost up side down...
haihz... most of the days just sleep 2 to 3 hours >.<
Now holiday, finally got a lot of free time for sleeping ^^

Discussing about sleep make me thought of my friend Johnny @@
This fellow worse than me, he sleeps even less than me, sometimes because he's playing games, sometimes he Insomnia...
I remembered these was 1 week he's coughing blood... hope he's fine now =)
OMG! worry bout him la, scare he sick heavily then less 1 player going to cc... hahahaz just kiddingz =P
Johnny is a good person, just that sometimes when he's playing games, he cant control his manner & anger @@
Few days ago I saw his msn PM wrote "tonite zonex 9pm, break the cb fountain (dota)"... hahaha I think Johnny wants to revenge, must be his fountain (dota) break by someone else days b4... aiyoyo loser =P

Hmmm... another my 1st experience in my life =D I talked to a Sue ( malay ) in phone for an hour =.=
Its a bit strange to talk to a Malay girl for me...
Speaking English sounds weird... then using Malay even worse for me >.<
Oh gosh... I think I was too lonely T.T
My tongue so itchy la, want to find someone to talk with... but sadly, the girl I want to talk with wasn't easy to make her talk @@
I believe in someday she will feel more comfortable talking to me hehe ^^

Yesterday I went to watch movie with my god sis, best friend Kai Sin & his gf...
Aiyoyo, eye sore see both of them so sweet @@
After movie I went to choose present for my friends' birthday on Oct 27... haha it seems like too early to find now =D
I worry if I back to Inti, no time to go out =(
since I have time during holiday, I'm thinking buying here... hehe
bracelet I saw in a mall ^^
Its a bit blur in the picture @@
the bracelet was linked by many many love, the bigger love is the "lock" ^^
Hehe that's all for today...
feel free to comment on the bracelet, undecided yet =)

* being rejected is not the end of trying & keeping up... Go go go~ ^^ *

Friday, August 22, 2008

done nothing today...

Woke up in the morning I saw few "jagung" on the table I thought I can eat corn as lunch, dunno why my lunch dont have corn... disappointed >.<"

Errr 1 more thing is that... since last last week I joke to Sue said she's not important so never invite her together, then she never find me dy =.="
So... yesterday I sms her she never reply me... sad sad dunno she's really sleeping or angry with me @@

nothing much to say for the day =)
Wish my friends in US living happily & comfortable ba...
when I online they sleeping, they online I sleeping...
no time to chat with them... miss you all =D

* words often cause misunderstandings... silence is gold... *

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


What so special on Wednesday??
hehe Wednesday GSC ticket cheaper lor =D
Yesterday I wanted to watch "the mummy" but unfortunately online booking was full... so I went there to buy, only 1st row seat available... gosh... too NEAR!
Then we bought "4bia" a horror movie indeed... there're 4 different stories...
My god sister so so scared of the movie, she even almost cry =.=" but I'm watching it laughing most of the time hahax ^^
If you're not scared of watching horror you can try, I will say its more likely a funny movie than a horror movie... lolz!
Hmmm, the 1st story of the "4bia" not bad, especially for those who like to sms with strangers...... beware~ woooo wooooo~~~

Haiz... holiday without pc is hell bored T.T
Haiz... holiday without friends who are free to fool around also bored to death T.T
Only my blog knows how I feel & listen to me at all times...

* while sending its worrying, while waiting is suffering, while opening it might be killing... guess 1 thing *

1st day at home ^^

Let's see what I took for my breakfast =)
breakfast 4 the day =D
Have been 4 months never eat my mum's cook, miss it so much! T.T
so... this is my 1st breakfast at home hehe... chicken rice... boneless 1 oh so easy to eat =D
It is 1 of my mum's special cook ^.^... other than that still got nasi lemak, curry chicken, duck rice, steamboat, and many many ..... waiting her to cook for me kaka ^^

Later at midnight I watch tv till quite "early"... a bit hungry but cant find anything to eat and maggi no stock @@!
Then I go grab some eggs to boil...
Waseh... the results from boiling eggs !_!
I used a spoon to move the eggs out, the spoon slipped & the boiled water on the spoon fell on my hand.............. hell pain T.T
then the red red start coming out... my skin feel so dry, so "spicy" and so dead @@
Dunno who to blame... the stupid eggs? stupid spoon? stupid water? or stupid me >.<"

* no one is to blame, its over so forget about it... I will accept it, dont worry... *

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

back to Kuantan...

Yesterday I took 5 30 bus from Pudu back hometown...
Around 10, I was hungry since I never have my dinner so I called 1 of my best friend Kai Sin... he told me they having gathering that night at 10...
My timing so perfect haha, once I back home straight away I drove to meet them ^^
A bit worry while driving, 1 thing recalled in my mind... my license P expired dy "=.=
so worry if we're going back late midnight got roadblock @@
At first, I thought the gathering was for celebrating 1 of our friend's birthday... but later when I reach there, I asked Kai Sin where's the girl...
Then only I know she's no longer in the girls' gang @@
I remembered that when form 5, she quarreled with another girl because of some small misunderstandings... later she went to NS, she had a relationship with a Malay guy @@" unbelievable!
Maybe after that case, she always with the guy & never mix with the girls' gang... we also know that most of the Malaysians are racist @@
Soon their friendship ended to thousands incompletable pieces... sad sad T.T

* nothing is forever... do you get it? If you are "nothing" then there's forever... *

Sunday, August 17, 2008

infinitely sad day T_T

The very first sad thing for today was the farewell with my friends in KLIA...
I gone crazy when saw Nicholas's eyes went red & shiny then tears flowing out when hugging his girlfriend !_!
Once I saw that, I ran behind Sin Yuan to cover my tears too, shame la... @@

my roommate with Mr Smiley :)
Hehe this is what I bought for Carter... there's reason behind of course... actually most of Carter's blog were full of sadness, he likes to think negatives...
So, I hope that Mr Smiley can makes him more happy & smile always =)

I'm also a negative thinking person I guess...

Today... today... someone put something into my bag without my awareness & pretend nothing happen...
Just not long ago, she asked whether I check my bag or not...
I found out she gave back me the earrings I bought her...
In that second, I felt like a big hole in my heart... it hurts me very very!
Once I saw that earring box which strapped by paper, my first thought was ..... it out from my bro's house down the hill...
but I think I should take a last look at what I bought, such a failure in my life... then I opened it... a small note was inside the box...
I think its a bit private, maybe she will not happy if I post note's picture here, I better dont upload it... I can only absorb this 2 words which is "keep it..." words behind that I will totally ignore them, I cant accept that & I will never do so...
This will be my first time keeping thing being returned to me...
I will take it as a reminder, what a failure and shame I did...

sorry earrings, your owner dont want you... you have no owner from now on...
I cant believe that she really gives it back to me... I removed the note, and the "star" was from her...

* no matter how sincere I'm or what I did... they worth nothing to you... they return as a sharp knife... *

Saturday, August 16, 2008

tired walking~~~

Midvalley @@
We purposely go there to eat the huge burger ^^
I went there with Johnny & Sin Yuan... walk walk see see buy buy wallet empty >.<
When we walking around looking for pretty girls... suddenly we saw a "sticky" couple... ( wei jie, samantha ) hahaha
they hugging while walking all the time @@ haiz really sticky...
Awaiting for tomorrow... dunno who will cry the most litre leh? =D
Then back hometown then I cant online lur... sad T.T

* no money no life... no money no girl?

Friday, August 15, 2008

empty room...

Oooh... my room is so empty now ^^
My brother & sister came to collect my stuff hehe... sunday ktm no need bring so many things =)
A sad sad day...... my laptop got technical problem again T.T
now blogging in cc... lolz
Too bad dont know how I manage to spend my holiday, I got no laptop... shit lor how I watch drama, how I online T.T

Stupid thing happen in cc
Just now there was a bitch quarrel with his bf in cc... omg this dam bitch really brainless, she smash the monitor & bang the table so heavily... everyone look at her she still dont feel ashame at all... feel sorry to say that, she hell ugly as well... if she pretty maybe ppl enjoy looking but... haizzzzz sad sad!!!
Then someone sitting beside ask her to calm down, she scold the person back almost slap him somemore... wtf dunno what's in her mind, ppl ask her calm down she want scold back vulgar @@

* feeling comfortable when you treat me so, I wish always like this... happy ^^

Thursday, August 14, 2008

LCCT 1st visit...

I would like to ask... anyone knows what LCCT full name is...? feel free to comment and tell me thx =)
For me, I will say LCCT stands for... " let's cyber cafe tonight " hahahaha!
The actual LCCT I mention here is a terminal for Air Asia hehe... early morning, someone dunno how, sounds so familiar... this guy called me around 8 am & ask me to accompany his gf to air port, said they're reaching my hostel soon @@
Wow wow! Of coz I wont reject la, ask me accompany his gf wor... then I get to brush my teeth and everything go down wait for them...
Oh sweat... a car stopped beside me, then appeared 2 person who are Bryan & Eunice... Oooh sad I thought someone I dunno wanna pass me his gf =.="
There we go... our journey to LCCT... all the way, Eunice mentioned about "lets go Port Dickson again"
Hahaha I have no idea what Bryan did makes Eunice so excited over there that night until Eunice sounds like... "give me~ give me more~~~" XD

lets take a look at some pic I took at LCCT :
Bryan... "sun-shine man"
haha Bryan looks so fair this time... so hard to capture this moment =P
honey... dont leave me !_!
Pity Eunice crying, her future husband flying "oversea"... so lovely so touching... makes me wanna cry too... mamamiya..... T.T
Hmmm I think I can make some money for selling this picture to Eunice, or Bryan you wanna buy? call me anytime... cash is always welcomed ^^
"hell bank note without many many 0000000" not accepted ya... haha =) I heard from Sin Yuan its "ghost door" open day...

picture taken in LCCT...

When I saw this shop... I thought of her, I know she likes junk food a lot =)
but I promised her not to buy things for her for some unknown reason @@
I cant buy for and wish her "happy ghost day" rite? @@ maybe the next second she will slap me & say "your bone la! wish for me what! I'm not ghost ok?!" >.<

The truth... finally
Can you guys see it clearly? If you like see it you can ask me send to you... The guy we can see from the mirror is Johnny, we called him "Johnny Gay"... but he never admit...
Finally....... finally..........! the truth evidence !!!
Can you see Johnny is smiling happily??? he's enjoying it so much being "blow" by a guy... wakakakakakakaka!!!
Oh my god... Johnny, you're so dead @@ you no longer can hide your true identity =P

Another new Chinese idiom of the today
normally we can hear someone saying this...
"hao ma bu chi hui tou chao" which means a good person wont turn back & together with his/her ex gf/bf...
but today I heard an Auntie saying another way...
"hao chao bu pa hui tou chi" which means if ex gf/bf is good, its still ok to turn back & together with...
haha... not bad not bad, I admire what the Auntie said =D

* to my ex gf... maybe its my fault, sorry we do not make it together... we promised each other we both will find another... I think I found her, I will appreciate her this time... how bout you? "

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

miss you... him, her & them...

My title sounds weird? hehe yea it is... What I trying to say is... I miss everyone who're not with me right now =) for example : Carter, Sim, Carmen, Shu yi and bla bla bla... ^^

Today finally get to eat Nasi Kandar... it has been closed for 1 week + @@
The cashier bought a new pinky hello kitty calculator... I think the old calculator spoil dy due to over use... the customers there always non-stop coming & non-stop queuing up to pay and leave... Conclusion, business related to chicken can earn abundance ^^
1. Kentucky Fried Chicken
2. The Chicken Rice Shop
3. Ayamas
4. Chicken with bean sprout
5. Ramle Burger
6. "chicken" ( human ) & etc...
feel so bad when writing the 6th 1 @@

1 thing make me unhappy today...
have you ever experience this...? lets say there are A & B person... you asked & wanted to discuss something with A, but A goes to discuss with B, at last you get to know it from B which you actually did asked A yourself... then A never tells you the decision A made... sad la >.< style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);">

* its not how good you are, its how good you want to be... you can make the move... *

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

released... stressless... finally

Finally all final exam paper finished... no matter what results I will get, since over dy dont think about it anymore... =) Yeah good! so good!
Straight after my last paper, my friend & I sent Sim to air port then we had burger king over there... Came to think of it, has been 3 or 4 years+ I never step into KLIA already... Since my 1 second on earth, now I'm 19, I only took 1 flight b4, from my hometown to KL because I requested out of curiosity when I was in form 3 ^^

Not to mention the burger la, cause it is the normal standard, but the burger king branch there looks like been abandoned for years, customers ratio so much diff compared to other western fast food restaurants... and the brightness/ lightning around the shop so dim, cant attract people come but oppositely become discouraging people for visiting... haiz sad case...
Then another issue I wan to bring up here is the attitude 1 particular the worker @@ When he's asking question he dont look at you, and he sounds like inviting for a fight... when you paying, he grabs / pulls your money right away from your hand... what the hell la... if foreigners saw that, everywhere they go they will tell their friends all over the world that Malaysians are bloody rude!

News said there is possible of a new bird flu threat "H9N2"...
Sim stop spreading the bird flu ( laziness ) eh... haha
Sim gave me his precious "bao bao" for me hahaha... full of his saliva, smell & love =D

* value of sweet memories are incomparably greater than every physical gifts... *

Monday, August 11, 2008

hmmm new friend, cutie Sue =)

happy birthday oh Xuan Xuan~ =D
muakz fly kizz xD
this month, August... wished 5 ppl in total @@
Izzit parents usually only got free time on :bed in the end of the year? ^^


Guess how old is she? 19 only leh same with me so young hahaha XD
she's still studying just like me but she got time to go for work, how come my time always no enough @@

sad sad... not suit my taste @@

Haiz... Sue recommend me this S'pore Laksa de... the taste actually ok la, but the noodles difficult to eat, too elastic cant eat properly, like eating plastic >.<

My dear pammy ^^ I just ask for a kiss, she wanna fork me >.<

Wow wow... 273 for 12 person ^^, tax added also can get round number haha...
Later having last breakfast with my friends who going to US leh...
Having test at 5 but now 9am I just came back from cyber cafe... haiz I wonder I'm a student or not... Came to college eat, play, sleep, online chatting, watch dramas / animes, then see pretty girls... haha study "vacation"

* I look at you, you look at me... we both felt embarrassed for the past... *

Sunday, August 10, 2008

ishhh.... not enough time ahhh

Rush for revision... sad T.T
Our watch, phone, alarm-clock & everything without battery also stop...
But why the actual time no battery also keep moving??? who created it so stupid ";...;"

Dessert for the day =D
New York Cheese... hehe

Anyone knows the story of this cheese cake?
When I see this New York cheese actually I thought of my last year birthday, friends bought this for me =) then quarter of it used to play "=.=
Most memorable birthday in my life... my hair was dyed with cheese cake @@! the cheese smell stayed on my hair for 1 week ++, become oily hair for 1 week >.< also =".="" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153);">

Golden Bowl...

take photo with messy dishes haha
A photo for memory, too bad I'm camera man this time... 1 year + of regular customers =) My friends & I consider the share holder leh ^^
Everyone in Inti sure recognize the auntie who always wear yellow shirt sat in between rite? haha... her 1st sentence always like this : "eat what drink what? money money come..." hahaha
The girl behind, her daughter... SPM year for her but she wants to do part time in GB then always skip class the next day @@ Maybe she wanna see me wakakakaka!

Animal for the day :
Ahhh this naughty big fat furry garfield cat... ask it let me take photo it turn its face... ( looks like a girl, if you see this you'll know I'm saying you hahaha =P )

miao ~~~~~
Later I guci guci guuu... only it allows me ^^ but still showing the unwilling face >_< style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);">

* in real we're friend, in my dream we're couple, wish that I never wake up... go die la tomorrow test ah!!! *

Saturday, August 9, 2008

1st day final...

MPW 2153 or known as Moral Education... my first final paper haha...
what a stupid subject @@ Objective part circle the familiar keywords then for essay part just simply crap, like writing story xD
Today I saw Eunice so concentrate doing the essay part, she likes to write "novel" during exam, I was waiting 4 her to go back together but at last I got nothing to write anymore then I left alone ^^
My friends went to new place for lunch never wait for me !_! left an instant noodle accompanying me in my room, very hungry so I ate it hahaha...

Something happened today, I'm so so so upset...
Suppose I asked 1 of my friend to discuss Physics' exercise but when I was back from dinner I phoned him 5 times... never answer, so I phone his gf... once, twice... then third times only answer but no respond for 15 seconds & hang up... Once again I tried, she picked up, told me there doesn't seems like enough seats in studying area... she sounds like doesn't want me to go there... maybe I sensitive, I dunno...
Later 1 hour she called & asked I really dont wan to go??? I dont know how to answer, first I felt that THEY doesn't want me to go then afterward ask like this...
Whatever la... hope its just because that I'm sensitive...

* the easiest way is the worst option, the hardest way is the best option... how to choose? *

Friday, August 8, 2008

a special dinner...

What's so special for today's dinner???
It was special because she's having dinner with us together!
I took a picture of her... sadly she never let me snap her cute face >.<
who's that...?

Haha... a plate of chicken cheese now left chicken bone... bone is her signature ^^
This girl dont eat tomato @@ that means she dont like tomato??
During my first 3 years in secondary school, I was given a nickname called "tomato"
Wanna know why? Yes or Yes? haha no choice for you, I wanna say =P
My chinese name is "fang jie", 1 of my friend pronounced it wrongly became "fan qie" ( tomato )... Sweat... since that they all like to call me tomato !_!

Another reason why tonight's dinner was special... We were accompanied by live Olympic opening ^^
the official symbol of Olympic... 5 colorful onion rings ^^
a flexible man with a hole on his chest @@
China had well prepared for this opening for years... 43 billions in total $.$, yeah its really worth it, so pageantry! Especially when the man holding the fire torch "walking" in the sky while the background is moving at the same time, then he light up the giant fire torch ^.^
If my grandpa & grandma still here, they definitely feel so proud with their home country =D My eldest Auntie who stay in Hai Nan Island maybe went to the opening as well although Beijing is far away =)
The welcoming cheerleaders are so pretty with their sweet smile... how come all of them are so fair ^^ I praise them so much, they have been standing / dancing for 4 hours on the field welcoming every countries' participants entering the stadium... pity their tiring sexy legs hahaha!!

* I'm looking at the photo, I smile to it, I talk to it & even kiss it... because you're in the photo =) *

Thursday, August 7, 2008

08 - 08 - 08... ???

When you see the title what's in your mind???
For the world... of course Olympic in China ^^
For Chinese? 888 means prosperity? haha that's right... I saw people in cyber cafe dont play computer games, they bring cards & gamble over there >.<

Today Bryan pretend sick, asked Sim to acc him to clinic... Bryan really paid for medicine 4 his acting @@ After that he brought Sim to place we planned to surprise Sim... ~happy birthday to you, happy ...... you, happy ...... Simmm, happy...... to you~
Happy 18th Birthday to Sim... Oreo Cheese 4 him =)
Can you see the bird in between? Eunice is the 1 who draw it, so cute! ^^
Oreo Cheese from Secret Recipe

Hehe, this is a picture I took few weeks ago, Carter ordered it b4 I do so I ordered another cake @@ I wanted to try it the next time... Now got the chance to it eat during Sim's birthday so happy ^^
At first I thought this cake suppose to be more solid, now I know its in some sort of soft & liquid type... nice nice nice, I strongly recommend... as well as MCD Oreo McFlurry =D
Since today's dare so special... how bout talk about something different?Let me think............GHOST!!!
Oh yea... we talk ghost tonight... wuuu wuuuu~~~
Anyone out there dont believe the existence of ghost? If you believe in god, dont say you dont believe in ghost =)
Everything has the opposite of it... if you know Malay language you will understand more... "tuhan" ( god ), if you read it backward will be "hantu" ( ghost )... wuu wuuu~~
scary lamp post...... alone in the dark, never been switched on b4... wonder what happen to it... or maybe "something" blocked our eyes from seeing the light??? wuu wuuu~~
There was a ghost movie name " 10 ways to see ghost " had mention 1 of this supernatural phenomenon... wuu wuuu~~
Its a laptop of mine, already 2 times I brought it for repairing, the second time the person in charge phoned me & asked what's wrong with the laptop... I said the display got problem but he said nothing spoil inside, but later he said he will change the whole LCD screen for me... yet its still the same, it sounds creepy... wuu wuuu~~~
Anyone knows what happen to this LCD?
could it be "someone" trying to tell me something? wuu wuuu~~
What you guys see in the photo? I cut it out from a photo and zoom it... can you see a bald head guy kissing a long hair lady??? 1 of the guy in the photo for some unknown intention, seems like looking at it @@ wuu wuuu~~
Lets talk it more personally, me myself...
Actually there was an incident years ago when I'm getting to sleep on my bed... wuu wuuu~~
Suddenly I felt that something was on the other side of me, thus I slowly turn my head... At the very moment, I was cut by a flash light of knife shape! I felt the pain man!!! After that I was freezing cold but sweating on the bed for an hour... Omg... that's the most freaking crazy moment I could never forget... wuu wuuu~~
I told some of my friends b4 but only a few of them who experienced other incidents b4 trust me... wuu wuuu~~
Haha finish crapping for today ^^
Good Nightz everyone... wuu wuuu~~~

* finally I understand why you always answer me "dowan" instead of "don't want"... now I know you're just too lazy to spacebar, what you actually mean is "do, wan"... *

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

BBQ =)

Mr Chan & his 2 kids... and linear class students =)

I'm thinking how to name this BBQ... Its a celebration end of linear class? or a celebration for Mr Chan's birthday? or a farewell BBQ for friends who leaving Inti?
Haha... its a 3 in 1 BBQ @@
sausage, chicken wings & lamb chop... yum yum~

I guess when Bryan see this picture... He must be swallowing his saliva & talking to himself "oh my god!!! fooooood... grab grab grab... they are all mine!!!" XD
After the BBQ, Prof Azim gave us some lectures on politics, educations, races, economics, students & lecturers in Inti, and wow too many, I cant remember haha... He's a Malay but he criticized on Malays, no offense =) really enjoy listening to his experiences & story ^^

Let's continue with my previous post... My roommate, Carter =)

Photo taken during Inti Ball, Me and Carter ^.^

My roommate's full name Ng Chun Kean from Segamat =)
I have been staying with him for 2 semester, really not short... So far, he's the only friend I spend that much time together, eat, sleep, play, chit chat at night and study...
Guess what he's hobby is? taking photo!!! he's the main supplier for photos in my blog =D If you got his friendster account, you can find hundreds of his solo photos in his album @@! This naughty Carter even took many of my sexy sleeping posture photos >.<"
Hmmm, Carter also a full time teacher, can you imagine how proud am I having a teacher staying in the same room for 2 semesters??? ^^
Another important role he holds is....... I get to meet my dream girl through him! Carter often do revision together with her & friends... So I follow him when I'm free hehehe =D without him I got no chance to see her, or sit besides her when she's doing revision in common area...
Next semester I have to enroll Biology class to replace Carter's role because this August he's studying abroad at Drake Uni, far far away from me T.T
Carter oh Carter... I will mizz you voice, your smell, you body, and your everything ^^ sounds so gay muahahahaha!

* we can make friends everywhere, but a true friend is not everywhere...*
* we can make love everywhere, but a true love is not everywhere... lolz! *

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

my friendz...

Bryan, Sim, Nicholas & Carter...

My friends..... they are leaving INTI soon @@
So, today they bring camera along with them the whole day... Snapping everywhere haha... academic blocks, the garden in between, side-walk, staircase, lecture hall & etc... haha almost the whole compound except toilet = =
Lets talk more on 4 of them today ^^
Ah... Bryan... he's a very good leader among us, maybe he's older? I quite admire him actually, he's the eldest brother, so he's born to be independent... Sometimes I really wish I have a younger brother to let me take care of =)
Bryan also good in joking =D but sometimes, he likes to continue his joke until very very cold, speechless... >.<

Wow wow... this a very faithful lifetime partner ^^ If I'm a girl maybe I will fall to him too kakaz! Nick, when you this... $ $ come, I promote u so much ^.^
And, he's a very pro driver! walao... when you see he side parking, you better dont look at the car beside your window! the distance between other's car always 0.1 mm, insanity!
The best habit ever I see among my friends... he never skip his 3 meals a day, then no supper... such a healthy person haha keep it on my friend =)
Hmmm... A clever kid, but a lazy pig haha =P
However, when he's getting serious on study, he looks so smart ^^
Sim very good in designing, especially using computer's drawing & editing software... He once said he wants to go The One Academic to study designing, then dunno for what reason came Inti take actuarial science haha...
This fellow can sleep 24 hours a day "=.= maybe his life before was a sleeping buddha ^.^
My roommate, need to be more detail hehez! I will keep this for tomorrow's topic =D

* you laugh I laugh, you cry I cry... I'm motivated by your actions unconsciously... in another word, you made my life... *

Monday, August 4, 2008

wei jie... never forget today's date!

Pretty birthday girl & I =D
Yooo... Happy... Birthday to dear Samantha... love you for today!!! haha... tomorrow take back my love =P
I took the test in your blog 100% correct oh ^^ but too bad, your sir name wasn't Lee haha XD
Non-sugar Moist Chocolate
the chocolates are so dense leh...
I only can finish half piece of it then I got so full already... what a waste @@
What's worse is... some of my friends play with the cake, chasing each other at dining hall taking the cake ready to smash on others' face "=.=
Another gross thing is... they making their teeth full of broken bits of chocolate cake >.< Cake I wanna try :-
Just look at the cake, saliva is flooding my mouth dy @@
Only 1 piece left, must be very nice, I'm coming to you Apple Cheese Cake !! ^^
The box... the bear... the hp chain... & the earrings are GONE!
Finally they reached her hand, hope she likes it ^^
Thanks to pretty & sexy Jia Ying... Appreciation your help very very much =)

* the power of your words... it can heals my wounds, yet it can hurt me deeply too... *

Sunday, August 3, 2008

story... "Its time"

If you like story press Ctrl A
I got a friend name, lets say B... We know each other since young, we grown up together during our childhood... He's a person who always act immediately once he feels like doing... sometimes because of his timing of doing things are wrong, he ruined everything... When he's sad, he will tell me what happen & ask for my opinion...
There was once, B
likes this girl called Z, and this girl actually likes him too... but B never propose to Z because he's scared, he scared being rejected... At last, this Z chosen another guy who competing with him at the same time...
After this incident, there was a girl Y admiring him & asked him to become her bf. At that time, B was so lonely, so he accepted without any thought... after 1 year they break up, because Y took away his freedom... B told me he will only gives up his freedom to someone he really loves...
Few days ago, he called me and told me he knew another girl G... he describes G like an angel @@
This time B worried he will missed this girl if he never propose to her... Thus, B trying to tell G that he likes her as some kind of joke, but this girl G knew it was not a joke. Since that, everytime B asks G out, she will say busy or she has appointment with others...
B told me, he can felt that G was avoiding him no matter what... G even told him to give up, but B afraid if he missed this chance, maybe he will never meet her anymore... B bought something for G, he said because he knew G for 1 year...
Haha is this sound stupid? buying things for a girl that wont accept it... Maybe B scared he wont have the chance to buy her anything in future if they going to different University, so he wanted to leave some memories to her b4 that...
Minutes ago, B called me... He told me the present still with him, he got no chance to give it to G personally... B asked for my opinion should he let G's friend pass it to G? So... I said yes, I think if B let G's friend help him, maybe it wont be so embarrassing to give her face to face. It can reduce the chances G not taking it or run away when B giving to G.
I also advised B, its time to let her go for now since nothing he can do right now... If B never let go for now, G wont allow him to enter her social life, that will be ending all the chances to him...
Goodluck my friend... hope you can find your happiness soon...

* never force... let go but dont give up is the best way *

Saturday, August 2, 2008

left alone in my room...

Carter went back hometown and left me alone in my room...
when woke up I tot he went to lunch, later around2 ++ only I know he went back le... haiz he din tell me at all T.T
When I'm walking back from dinner I saw someone double parking & blocked someone's car... the unlucky driver and his friends were so mad, keep scolding while standing there waiting for the "bad drive" move his car @@
I think this bad driver's car will get scratched badly if he blocked a gangster's car ^^
Just now I suppose to go Mybox with my friend... when we reached, we were asked to write down our name & wait for the call... but we waited more than 1 hour, never get call also... really so full meh =.=
hmmm... I wanna remind my friends, Samantha's birthday on this tuesday oh, dont forget to greet her =D
News :
Yesterday I saw news saying maybe September the oil price will fall... cheers for that =D
Now, I saw another news... Prime Minister urge Proton to produce hybrid cars... hahahahahahha what a joke is that @@
Proton? I no idea how they do it... research on others, innovate a bit then duplicate? XD
Goodluck Proton ^^

* I love you because I do, but you love me because I love you... It should not be that way... What I want is your true love! *

Friday, August 1, 2008

shortie genes @@

So angry la... tot can eat nasi kandar today, but its closed @@ 2 days le lor... haiz!
At last go eat pizza =.= dunno what happen, everyone started to discuss the novels we studied in secondary school haha... like become younger at the moment ^^
The Pencil was the 1 gave biggest impression to me... The story is about a young boy who are SHORT trying to get attention from friends & teachers... He stolen his classmate's pencil which is much longer than usual pencil... When he raises up his hand for question teachers can see him...
Dunno why, when I read this book, my fragile soul is cracking... I'm quite a short person, among my friends I'm always the shortest... Most of my friends know I always wearing long pants, they say me weird...
Actually I not dont like short pants, just that wearing short pants usually over my knees and definitely makes me looks so short, I hate it!!! Probably no one realize this... I only buy shoes which is a bit higher at the bottom =D
Nothing I can do with my height anymore, dont tell me to drink more milk, or play basketball... It never works, I know the reason why those cant help in getting taller...
Since I got time I briefly say why... drink milk does help, but any of you know hundred years ago Japanese are all shortie? The government know that's their weakness in war... then government try to make a change, everyday free few bottles of milk for every family... it takes hundred years to make the change, now Japanese are all tall... Drinking milk can make me taller 0.000001mm per day?
Basketball... haha play basketball can get tall O.o? maybe the stretching when jumping might help, but when u landing leh? will it press back to normal? =.=" the basketball players are tall, cause tall got advantages, so we relate it to basketball makes ppl tall? I dont think so, I also got play la... come on...
Haha... how come wrote so much on that... emotional me @@
Oh yeah, finally I finished the book I said b4... happy ending =) so touching oh, if anyone interested can borrow from me ^^
Time to continue my Prison Break 3 ^^
see ya~

* try hard, but never force, dont over do it... when its time to let go, you will know it *