Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Haizzz... DE oh DE...

Woohoooo~ Today DE test great!! so many minor mistakes gone so many major marks @@
Haha today went to make hostel rental payment no extra charges... Yea! Yea! Happy din waste money on charges ^^
Another unforgettable experience for today @.@
-wearing swimming pants go haunted mansion ==
-"ghost" scared by me... hahaha coward "ghost" XP

Grill Lamb Chop at Mama Chop Papa Grill
Tonight's dinner : Grill Lamb Chop with black pepper @@ RM 14 only, cheap n delicious... If got more fries then even better hahaha!
Aiyoyo... too many luxury food in this 4 days... missing golden bowl cheap cheap food eh @@ almost over my budget lor sadz...
Sure my friends see my blog will say I miss the girl not the food >.<
haha cute hugging rabby... taken at KFC's kid promotion toys ^^
How good if I can hug her like this \(^o^)/
Aaaaahhhh... I haven give her she already say dun wan... I'm done x_x
Jia you jia you! I believe there muz be a way to give her... P-t i--o --r b-- secretly hehehe... Everyone....... shhhhh~

* feeling lonely on the bed in the freezing night, plz hug me tight tight *

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