Sunday, July 27, 2008

April Fool's Day...

Its another drama day... ^^
Woke up at 1 watch few episodes then went for lunch with friends at Maxim... the I ordered a kuey teow mee big 1... but what I get is a usual size but higher price @@
Around 6 30, once again I go for swimming like most of the days =D
Today's swimming was a bit special... More than 50 persons in the pool, while I'm on my 20+ laps someone kicked a ball into the pool... its from the basketball besides the swimming pool... At that time, about 5 ppl was around the ball but somehow nobody going to pick up the ball & return it to those players shouting outside... Thus I swam pass the ball & "rescued" it gave back to them...
Now I realize human beings are bullshit... They do their very best not to embarrassing themselves... Since nobody around trying to pick up the ball, so they rather stay aside & watch... They afraid to be called stupid or called "acting kind", therefore they avoid helping others although they wanted... All devil ";..;"
Hehe... lets continue with my title for today.. April Fool's Day =)
that's a movie I downloaded yesterday, I watched it right b4 I'm sitting here writing ^^
This movie is about a lady fooling her friends on April fool... At last accidently killed 1 of their friends... then scary stuff starts... lets not get too deep into this movie's story, if you're interested go & watch it by yourself... keke
GooD9 everyone =)

* is "sorry, I love you" a good word for expressing your love? I think the better word would be, "I feel sorry to myself if I dont love you" & "I wont forgive myself if I dont love you" *

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