Thursday, July 24, 2008

1 whole day... 10pm - 4am @@

Today fully utilized 18 hours!!!
Woke up 10 in the morning went for linear class... haha today got visitor from Indonesia came in our class room, lecturer acting... teaching so seriously =.="
After the visitor went out, he starts with his story again @@
He said human are born know to swim... if you dont believe, try to dump your baby into the swimming pool see how they swim...
Walaoyeh...! so cruel >.<>> Jazz, NBP 900 Friends : Nicholas, Bryan, Carter & Johnny
Destination 1 >> Midvalley
Time wasted >> 1 hour ( looking for parking == )
Lunch >> sushi king!!! ( oh... thanks to Bryan's generous dad ^^ )
Destination 2 >> Times Square ( saw a nice glove and hat I like, for winter purpose )
Movie >> The Dark Knight at IMAX... ( not bad... so many lot climax haha @@ watched for 2 & half hours, my butt flat like Sammy Cheng's... )
Later after movie... of coz supper time la ^^ but sad sad, those food we ordered not so nice =(
Here comes adventurous moment... Putrajaya!!!
On the way back to INTI, Nicholas drove us look around the Putrajaya which is a HEAVEN in Malaysia @@
The designs of the buildings & the surroundings are totally unexpected to be seen in Malaysia... wonder how many $ billions
$ used on them... what I like the most is the human made lake, imagine I'm sitting there with her on the lake side ^^

Pictures of the day =>>>

my roommate's presentation of M'sian studies... looks so smart rite? kaka

Picture taken in Putrajaya

the Istana Kehakiman of Malaysia... inside of it must be very very big... all the states's flags hanging on the each posts in front of it, but picture taken too far away cant see @@

this 4 intruders trying to get into the Istana Kehakiman through the main entrance!!! Adui~~ wan be thief use backdoor lar "==

Jazz with shinning background... its along the bridge =)
Where's everyone???

bridge & the beautiful lake... can you see the shadow of the lights? nice huh...? best place for dating hahaha =D

* there's time we can see but we cant touch it, we like it but we cant have it or we own it but actually its not ours *

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