Tuesday, July 22, 2008

bleeding love~~

~You cut me open~ ......
~And I keep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding love~
Anybody out there can cure my cut??? ^^
I'm so in love with this song!! Since that day watched couple dancing using this song =)
Ohhh, sad day for my bao bei roommate... He got sore throat dy, nobody talk to me T.T
Well, his voice is so so SEXY now >.<>
Cheese burger + chicken porridge at mcD as dinner... So many hours ago, now should be feeling hungry dy... Wonder why I'm not @@ I guess my stomach is full of Physic formula wahahahaha =D
Something will be happening tomorrow night @@
I'm so nervous leh :(
My first night........................
Story to be continue... stay tune after 24 hours... lolz ^^

* sometimes the first NO is made out of sudden emotions, but is it possible for the NO change to YES in someday later? NOw came from YESterday ^^ *

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