Thursday, July 31, 2008

linear algebra... transformation???

First class for today was linear algebra... My body was physically awake but my brain still sleeping in peace =D today's lectures were about transformation... this to this, that to that, this to that, and that to this... Confusing @@!
Later finish class went to lunch as usual... once get back my room guess what I did? hahaha I read novel! ^^ the book I mentioned yesterday, 350 pages... not short @@
Picture taken on my warm blanket :
Its too late when I get your letter...
WOOOW I love this book very much... the story written so real... My soul fell into another world (vector space ) in the story XD
Once again, dinner at secret recipe... no doubt every meal there gonna be serves with sweet dessert ^^

lemon cheese... yummy~
Can you see the shinning juicy lemon top? its so concentrated + sweet ( not sour ), then the cheese in between is creamy soft 1... the cheese dissolve on your tongue, the feel is sooo indescribable !!!
I'm now listening to some trance, rave & techno music using my newly bought headphone...
No longer worry to disturb my dear roommate when watching movie or listening to music at night =)
I will miss you so much Carter, days we can spend together left 16 days... counting down is like cutting every inch deeper into my heart T.T

* to prevent regretting its better not to hide your feelings or keep the question marks with you, maybe it might not be the answer you want... "Its too late" is the worst answer ever... *

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

mini books fair...

Had lunch at Ah Chong this evening, we watched "xin guang da dao" a singing competition... A conclusion Bryan made was--- the greater you can cry the higher your score... hahaha I believe that's true!
There was a mini book fair held at MPH today... the banner outside the hall printed so big 70% discount, but inside 95% of the books are just 10% discount =.=
Not quite many books were there, but there are 2 books attracted me ^^ The title of these 2 books stimulated my flaming heart @@ So I bought them both...
I finished reading the 1st book which has a red front cover...
RM 18... not exp & not cheap too...
Can you read the title? let me translate it... "one day you will love me too" =) hope this line apply to her someday hehez ^^
The story saying a guy who only date with girls who are young & pretty, then a girl love him but not pretty enough so he never date her... too bad~ too bad~
The second book I haven finish yet, I will be discussing it more on tomorrow =D
Tonight's Seremban dinner plan canceled, everyone busy with tests & debate... End up dinner at our "old place", golden bowl... Sienz, the curry chicken's curry so so little, cant manage to flood my rice with my favourite curry as usual =(
I love watching scary & ghostly stuff very much kaka..
I downloaded another anime "ghost hunt", I watched 6 episodes but so far doesn't seems very interesting, hopefully its not going to bored me till the end ^^

* I dont trust love because I dont trust myself... I love you because only you can make me trust myself... *

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Today I did something bad =( feel so guilty...
I took other's whole math lab exercises change name & ID then print out everything... I never done any at all...
Today my friends got their scholarship from Uni... They took few boxes of food from the ceremony... The small choco tart taste good ^^
Dont know how much can I get next time... I'm so worry with my results for this semester, since I'm using this semester results to apply Uni... If really so unlucky, I gonna lose the intake for ISU T.T
My Physic lecturer Mr. Toh was speeding fast in his class today @@ Extra class at night really tiring, no doubt he wants to finish it fast... luckily today's lectures weren't that difficult...
Yeah babe~~ tomorrow holiday, state holiday ^^
Tomorrow can sleep long long wake up play then eat eat eat hahaha... I live to eat not eat to live =P
I'm getting excited now haha... Bryan suggested to go Seremban take dinner kakaka... Dear foooood I'm coming!!!

* If I'm given chance to communicate with you as usual maybe we get to know each other better... Since its too late now, maybe remain silence is the best way... ~Waiting For You~ *

Monday, July 28, 2008

my future is just ahead...

WOW WOW WOW!!! I will be driving this car very soon!!!
Hmmm... I found my dream car ^^
Nissan GT-R
Description : nice body... hot! Adorable inner beauty & admirable exterior appearance... and of coz precious...
Hahaha... I think my dream car representing my dream girl as well ^.^
Marble Cheese!!!
Another cheese cake as dessert... I guess everyone recognize this cake rite? hehe... 1 of the best selling in secret recipe oh =)
I'm enjoying it so much!!! =D

KFC spicy chicken =D
The cheeze wedges I take from Bryan for decoration hahaha... I dun eat fat food =P

Pathetic present box still on my table... currently still searching for its owner... People always advice others to think outside the box... but b4 you go outside the box, can you feel the sadness within the box? what a sad scene !_!

* fate might be fact but fact could be fake... perhaps fate is not necessary true =) We should manipulate & create our future the way we want it... Never give up easily! *

Sunday, July 27, 2008

April Fool's Day...

Its another drama day... ^^
Woke up at 1 watch few episodes then went for lunch with friends at Maxim... the I ordered a kuey teow mee big 1... but what I get is a usual size but higher price @@
Around 6 30, once again I go for swimming like most of the days =D
Today's swimming was a bit special... More than 50 persons in the pool, while I'm on my 20+ laps someone kicked a ball into the pool... its from the basketball besides the swimming pool... At that time, about 5 ppl was around the ball but somehow nobody going to pick up the ball & return it to those players shouting outside... Thus I swam pass the ball & "rescued" it gave back to them...
Now I realize human beings are bullshit... They do their very best not to embarrassing themselves... Since nobody around trying to pick up the ball, so they rather stay aside & watch... They afraid to be called stupid or called "acting kind", therefore they avoid helping others although they wanted... All devil ";..;"
Hehe... lets continue with my title for today.. April Fool's Day =)
that's a movie I downloaded yesterday, I watched it right b4 I'm sitting here writing ^^
This movie is about a lady fooling her friends on April fool... At last accidently killed 1 of their friends... then scary stuff starts... lets not get too deep into this movie's story, if you're interested go & watch it by yourself... keke
GooD9 everyone =)

* is "sorry, I love you" a good word for expressing your love? I think the better word would be, "I feel sorry to myself if I dont love you" & "I wont forgive myself if I dont love you" *

Saturday, July 26, 2008

sleeping day >>> saturday...

Oooh... Yesterday went cyber cafe played till 8 morning...
I went out under the moon light, back into my room under the sun light @@ looks like my daily hour gone upside down dy... maybe I'm mentally reached US haha =D
After came back, unconsciously I ZzzzZzz whole day from 9am to 5pm >.< actually I will continue sleeping if Sim never came in ^^
Sim rushed into my room said he got allergic... he went to clinic because he's feeling itchy every inch of his body hahaha... I guess he din bath =P littlebird cannot wet its feather? kaka! Woke up dy, I check my laptop & found that my download for a drama D.I.E finished...
then whole day I watch that drama hehe =) Around 6 30 I wanted to go swimming, I asked Carter if he's going with me or not... toooo bad he wanna sleep dun wan to go...
Haiz... then I go alone lor, half way saw Mr. Robert, he told me swimming pool got function din open... Sienzz walk back with disappointment T.T
Dinner time... today I tasted the new nasi lemak at Jabez, quite nice oh... but not full enough then I ordered another chicken rice with lemon sauce ^^ aiya... forgot to take picture just now @@
Now is 4am... my roommate busy editing the faces of his friends to put into his blog haha... he has been editing for more than 3 hours =.="

* nobody & nothing in this world is perfect... A perfectionist will suffer in his/her life in searching for weaknesses & vulnerabilities...
It is fair enough as long as what we have is basically what we need... *

Friday, July 25, 2008

dont scream if you dont wanna die!!!

Do not scream with you see her in the dream... that's the line from dead silence, a horror movie saying a creator of a puppet ( can move can talk & kills!!! )
Today I skipped all the classes @@
1st reason yesterday back too "early", very tired... 2nd, 1 hour class seems unnecessary =D 3rd, friends not going why am I going alone == So in conclusion skipped whole Friday haha...
I wonder, do Muslims feel lazy or tired then skipped their prayer? @@
Dinner at wongkok... I took RM 7 50 of ingredient for my curry & served with wantan mee ^^ Well, its fine since I'm so full hehezzz...
Actually my daily budget for food is RM 10 only... 1 day 1 meal or 2 meals or 3 meals... then more I eat the cheaper it have to be =)
Haiz... happy skipping class and eating but not happy the present I bought for her still in my room T.T Suppose I'm giving her tonight, but she went back hometown dy... Then b4 this, all the dinner I invited never success... Almost everytime she says she's busy... If not then last 1 or 2 hours say got urgent things to do... so far 100% failed to ask her for dinner, seriously no more idea how am I giving her...
Sad sad sad sad sad !_!
Again I went to cyber cafe!!! Finals coming din study, go play till early morning haven sleep... I'm a bad bad student =(
Time to bed lur... Go.Od moRn!nG...

* between family, lover & friends... which is more important? we live with family when we're young, we live with friends when getting older, then we live with lover for the rest of life... Incomparable "

Thursday, July 24, 2008

1 whole day... 10pm - 4am @@

Today fully utilized 18 hours!!!
Woke up 10 in the morning went for linear class... haha today got visitor from Indonesia came in our class room, lecturer acting... teaching so seriously =.="
After the visitor went out, he starts with his story again @@
He said human are born know to swim... if you dont believe, try to dump your baby into the swimming pool see how they swim...
Walaoyeh...! so cruel >.<>> Jazz, NBP 900 Friends : Nicholas, Bryan, Carter & Johnny
Destination 1 >> Midvalley
Time wasted >> 1 hour ( looking for parking == )
Lunch >> sushi king!!! ( oh... thanks to Bryan's generous dad ^^ )
Destination 2 >> Times Square ( saw a nice glove and hat I like, for winter purpose )
Movie >> The Dark Knight at IMAX... ( not bad... so many lot climax haha @@ watched for 2 & half hours, my butt flat like Sammy Cheng's... )
Later after movie... of coz supper time la ^^ but sad sad, those food we ordered not so nice =(
Here comes adventurous moment... Putrajaya!!!
On the way back to INTI, Nicholas drove us look around the Putrajaya which is a HEAVEN in Malaysia @@
The designs of the buildings & the surroundings are totally unexpected to be seen in Malaysia... wonder how many $ billions
$ used on them... what I like the most is the human made lake, imagine I'm sitting there with her on the lake side ^^

Pictures of the day =>>>

my roommate's presentation of M'sian studies... looks so smart rite? kaka

Picture taken in Putrajaya

the Istana Kehakiman of Malaysia... inside of it must be very very big... all the states's flags hanging on the each posts in front of it, but picture taken too far away cant see @@

this 4 intruders trying to get into the Istana Kehakiman through the main entrance!!! Adui~~ wan be thief use backdoor lar "==

Jazz with shinning background... its along the bridge =)
Where's everyone???

bridge & the beautiful lake... can you see the shadow of the lights? nice huh...? best place for dating hahaha =D

* there's time we can see but we cant touch it, we like it but we cant have it or we own it but actually its not ours *

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

sad... yet happy... am I crazeh?

why sad??? test lor... why happy??? also test lor @@
So confusing... but I think sadness dominant my happiness...
I hardly do a single question T.T Well... its over dy... happy for this, now left final to go...
My moral assignment 5 haven start eh... come come kind-hearted person let me copy plzzz ^^
wow... big plate small chicken @@ but the thai sauce is great =)
The chicken become smaller & smaller... Last times was about x2 the size also @@ I think this is what we call economic down turn effect...
I love this artistic picture so much!!
Hehe... The green apple nice? I prefer the heart more ^^... this picture is taken for photography competition =) ( not me )
What can you see from the picture?
For me... I will say giving involve sacrificing... to obtain the beautiful heart-shaped apple, the body of the apple was cut deeply T.T
People always focus on the results but overlook the process behind it... How could we do that? We should always remember & appreciate what others' did for us =)
Ooooh... long time never go cyber cafe dy... I jz came back from cc with sin yuan & johnny... Played 6 hours, sounds a lot haha ^^
So tired now... time to Zzzz
gudnite everyone =D

loving the right person at the wrong time will end up nothing... I hope everytime when I'm with you is the perfect timing *

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

bleeding love~~

~You cut me open~ ......
~And I keep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding love~
Anybody out there can cure my cut??? ^^
I'm so in love with this song!! Since that day watched couple dancing using this song =)
Ohhh, sad day for my bao bei roommate... He got sore throat dy, nobody talk to me T.T
Well, his voice is so so SEXY now >.<>
Cheese burger + chicken porridge at mcD as dinner... So many hours ago, now should be feeling hungry dy... Wonder why I'm not @@ I guess my stomach is full of Physic formula wahahahaha =D
Something will be happening tomorrow night @@
I'm so nervous leh :(
My first night........................
Story to be continue... stay tune after 24 hours... lolz ^^

* sometimes the first NO is made out of sudden emotions, but is it possible for the NO change to YES in someday later? NOw came from YESterday ^^ *

Monday, July 21, 2008


Today's title is wasabi... I missed Sushi King so much leh T.T Someone went there never ask me together sienZzzzzzz...
Unconciously I bought a seaweed wasabi flavor in Times =D
Not cheap eh, 24 small packs RM 7.++
Remembered that 3 weeks ago Sim ate 4 pieces of it at once then *cried* hahaha...
So sad oh... Sim high fever went to clinic get injection ( butt ) "=.=
Now he's lying on the bed half dead @.@
Blame me never ask him drink water pulak... speechless >.<>.>
Then at night, again I followed my roommate to common room study... Why in room cant study meh? haha of coz can la, but go common room can see her wor ^^ It is the only way I can get closer to her other than golf =)
Oh yea... I would like to recommend an online stock market game to anyone who interested...
Its like buying share/stock in real market following the actual market stock price but using fake money instead of real money =) After you start playing you will get to know more on how the market works, and what happen to the worldwide market... If you're professional enough in researching and investing someday, probably this might be the root you earn your first million, then billions & multibillions ^^

* believe you are enough, appreciate everything you have & everyone around you, be moderate & simplify your lifestyle leads to a happy life *

Sunday, July 20, 2008

first week after start blogging ^^

Happy blogging =) Unbelievable I still keep posting after 1 week... my friend little bird challenged me I wont write more than 1 week hahaha... gonna ask him treat me 1 meal now ^^
Well, actually everytime wanna start writing have to think quite some time how to start it... Especially the title "=.=
Long long time never eat curry chicken rice at golden bowl le... today ordered it, walao so many curry dy!!!
My rice was flooded with the curry and chicken @@ whole plate orange color, cant differentiate which is rice which is chicken kaka...
Hot & Spicy is my life ^^ Plz intro me if see there's any nice hot & spicy food =D ( i guess bryan wont intro me any hahaha )
Bryan oh Bryan, you better start eating... When your wedding sure you will be fool to eat rice with chilli @@
Haiz... I tot tonight can have dinner with her, too bad the plan failed T.T How convenient if I drive my car here... Nvm la, still got many chances ahead... {=D
Oh ya... Shu yi, I know you're so stressed out for you tests... but dont neglect your health oh, remember to drink more water and sleep earlier ah... It can helps refresh your brain, good for studying... By the way, goodluck for your coming tests and presentation (^o^)
Wednesday will be my turn for Physic test 2... someone told me b4 the test from chapter 9 to 15... Crazy la so many ==
Later I know just 9, 13,14 & 15... Well, its not so tough actually, I believe I can do it!!! hehe =)
Today's advices :
1) dont swim b4 6pm, it is hot and no girls @@
2) never buy cheap & small durian... not nice
3) dont book hostel room around F1-33, very smelly!

* avoiding is the worst thing to do, face it and resolve it will be the best way, otherwise you might never know it *

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I wanna learn dancing =)

I'm so addicted to dancing after I watched the
"so you think you can dance". In 1 day i finished 15 episode =D
The most I admire is popping, probably I will find my way to learn it someday... it feels greatz when everyone looking at you stunned, after that big applause from the crowd ^^
Tonight my dad, money supplier came to has dinner with me...
I din take lunch cause I used all the time watching "so you think you can dance", just eat junk food haha... In order to satisfy my empty stomach, I ordered kuey teow & bak kut teh for 2 persons ^@^
Just now my dad told me he will only sponsor me for 1 year in US, the rest I handle my self @@ He must be kidding ==
Later after came back from dinner is the most happiest time for today haha... Golden 4 hours with her...!!!
Unforgettable words for today :
1) Volleyball
2) Espresso Cheese
3) Lamb chop
why are these words so special??? ---secret--- =P
Today when chatting in msn someone said this to me :
"you chase I'll run lo"
"no chase..walk together I mah walk together lo"
If so... I think I will walk together with you until you're tired then I can chase since you cant run dy hehehez ^^

* no matter how long it takes, I will wait *

Friday, July 18, 2008

Scary linear test is over! hohoho

Its another happy day, finally Physic last lab over dy... Friday no more morning class yea babe~~
After that 2-4 linear test 2... Ah Chan was locked outside the room by us because he's late again!!! hahaha always lock us outside, I even climb through the window to go in @@ Now our turn... Blu3k =p
Went to swim with my lovely roomie Carter... pity him keep following me swim non stop, usually he go swimming pool play only but today a bit over exercise for him... sayang oh >o< chicken ="="" taxing =".="">

my future hair

* If I'm given 1 wish, I wish I could take care of you 4 the rest of my life, will you be my love? *

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Yuck!! suan mi makes my mouth smelly @@

Hohoho yesterday late midnight someone went mad after see this paper stick on the door.
"Excuse me, your shoes very damn super BUSUK, please clean it. Its is hell irritating!!!!!!!!!"
Wakaka good job Sim, continue writing the "warning" to the godly incredibly
bloody smelly fellow at F1-33 !!!
I hate INTI swimming pool rules la T.T
Why got ladies nite yorrrrr, since got ladies nite then should got gentlemen night mar so unfair!
Yay yay yay... Juz now dinner at golden bowl first time try suan mi... aiyerr the taste stay in mouth so long @@ Well not very bad la the suan mi, maybe i mixed it with small chilly so the taste not so concentrated =)
Xiao Mei called me gor gor juz now =.=" sounds so old leh,
im 19 only leh still very young and available =p dont call me like that anymore >.<
There's 1 thing I have no idea... Why when I say I'm enrolling in BIO 121 so many objections and gossips de...? Izzit because she's going to enroll that subject also so I cannot?????
If so fine lor... Next sem starts I will change it immediately... ( honestly I dont want to change hehehe ) O.o That's all for today... Enjoying the day ^^

* Be yourself is the best way to promote who you are, acting extraordinary will be degrading your characteristics *

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Haizzz... DE oh DE...

Woohoooo~ Today DE test great!! so many minor mistakes gone so many major marks @@
Haha today went to make hostel rental payment no extra charges... Yea! Yea! Happy din waste money on charges ^^
Another unforgettable experience for today @.@
-wearing swimming pants go haunted mansion ==
-"ghost" scared by me... hahaha coward "ghost" XP

Grill Lamb Chop at Mama Chop Papa Grill
Tonight's dinner : Grill Lamb Chop with black pepper @@ RM 14 only, cheap n delicious... If got more fries then even better hahaha!
Aiyoyo... too many luxury food in this 4 days... missing golden bowl cheap cheap food eh @@ almost over my budget lor sadz...
Sure my friends see my blog will say I miss the girl not the food >.<
haha cute hugging rabby... taken at KFC's kid promotion toys ^^
How good if I can hug her like this \(^o^)/
Aaaaahhhh... I haven give her she already say dun wan... I'm done x_x
Jia you jia you! I believe there muz be a way to give her... P-t i--o --r b-- secretly hehehe... Everyone....... shhhhh~

* feeling lonely on the bed in the freezing night, plz hug me tight tight *

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

SecreT Recipe ^^ Espresso Cheese hehez

Hi everyone!!!
Ghost festival err takut takut "'>.<) My friend Eunice is 1 of the committee in the Haunted Mansion @@ Guess what...? she
asked us to go on Thursday nite cause she on duty that nite... I bet she wanna use the opportunity to hug Bryan in the dark & scary maze wahahaha!!
Eunice notti notti yerrr =P
OMG OMG OMG... I was late for my hostel rental payment....... Really bunch of last minutes fellows queue up at the finance office, stupid officer work slow like turtle... haiz college off
icer really not efficient at all...
Sadly I got no time to wait there because got my favourite lecturer, Ah Chan class ^^
Probably will be charged 25% which is RM 12
0 when I pay tomorrow T.T
Oh ya... talking about money I thought of my papa @@
He haven bank in my $$$ for this month !_!
Today took dinner at "Ramu
an Rahsia"
Chocolate Indulgence , Durian Durian , Low Fat Peach , Cheeze Choc , Mango Delight & Espresso Cheese =D
Espresso Cheese yummieeee ^^
Tom Yam Noodles hot & spicy wooo... Oiishineh~ ^^
Oh no... forgotten my DE test... gonna rush to do revision dy O.o

* My heart beat for you... You're so important to me... every single second~ *

Monday, July 14, 2008

weekend ended weekdays come...

Oooooh... Early monday classes are the most boring class T.T
Woke up at 7 15 feeling sleepy & dizzy... why??? cause I called a girl and talked until 4 30 morning kakaka!
What happen next after i woke up was sleep back wahahaha XD skipped 2 hours physic class haihzzz
Sounds not worth it, because the girl I wanted to talk with is not her @@
Today is the enrollment day, there's too many combination of subjects to choose...
( BIO 121, MUS 105, CSC 202 COM 110 & PHY 212 )
at last i chose BIO & MUS haha mus is my choice then bio?
lolz power of love ^^
bla bla bla its dinner time, was thinking to eat cheaper for tonight, unfortunately golden bowl is closed =(
so I went to KFC with nicholas (driver ) bryan ( pikapi ) carter (roomaid ) and sim ( kid ) & spent double my budget...
Hehe nvm... I will definitely earn back more n more
$$$$$$$ ^^
its study time... Gambateh everyone!

* Unbreak my heart... say you love me again~ *

Sunday, July 13, 2008

a peaceful sunday...

It was another wasted sunday...
wake up at 2 then watch drama and anime...
totally wasted 10 hours @@
nothing useful have been done...
After dinner, finally collected my clothes from laundry.
The worker cheated me T.T last time she said discount 30% for me, when i collect she says no such thing............... mad la!
DE and Linear tests are coming... I haven started!! haiz
jade ah jade... be hardworking leh, if not cannot increase ur CGPA then gone case dy @@
time will not stop for me so I have to keep moving ^^

* No matter what happen, I will support you, stay cheerful always *

Saturday, July 12, 2008

first day blogging =D

Hmmm... first time blogging =D
support me oh...
lets intro myself in this first blog =)
Name : lim fang jade ( prefer jade ) *reminder* : jade is not necessary a girl
D.O.B : 10 April 1989
Location : born in Kuantan... now in INTI nilai... later... somewhere in US
Hobbies : Sports
Important date in my life : 27 October
Family : dad, mum, bro, sis & 2nd sis... im the youngers hehez

Today's Life / Special
Won a dota game in less than 15 minutes hohoho incredible!!
Later around 5 pm went to shopping mall and bought a earrings for a girl i love (not my gf yet @@)

thus, to avoid she rejecting after seeing the jewellery box and to create surprise i bought another bear bear to hide the earrings inside it ^^
Thanks to Bryan, Carter, Nicholas and Xuan Xuan for the opinion in choosing the earrings...
Then my friends and i took satay as dinner...

WOW!!! There are many cooked animals on the stick @@
here comes our stupidity >>> 100 for 4 persons... hahahaha left 20 wasted... feel so sorry for those chickens, cows and goats that sacrificed T.T
Hehezzz time to sleep now... Gudnitez =D

*you're the most prettiest and glamorous among the girls that night. I feel so proud and happy for having the chance to dance with u my dear*