Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Holidayz ended!!
I'm so confusing, holiday or schooling is better???
Holidays can play play eat eat nothing to worry... but cant see my lovely gal gal wor @@
Next semester is... coming soon~
Can hug hug my gal gal everyday but cant play and sleep till afternoon dy T.T

Few days ago I chat with my ex-ex roommate, Carter...
I remembered I said I will answer his questions in my blog but suddenly disconnected that night ( I steal other's wireless connection ) hahaha =D
Enjoy you trip in LA oh baobei Carter...
See any cheap stuff buy for me ah, fedex come back for me ah ^^
Hmmm... I applied Minnesota, Ohio and Nebraska Lincoln my friend...
Ishhh... troublesome de Minnesota and Ohio need essay @@

I'm back in Inti lur...
Can online play games and msn anytime now ^^
For those who feel bored and free then chat then add me oh =)

Happy New Year to everyone!!!

* time prove everything ^^ *

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


at Baskin Robbin, kena bully TT

huh...... bully back, but she still so happy @@

I bought her de piggy @@
Actually I wan buy big big de bear bear but she keeps complaining about the price ><

Yoooo, yesterday early morning I went midvalley with my darlingz Juin =)
A very first date oh!!!
And hor... hor... I told her I will be wearing black sleeveless (out ) and white ( in ) t shirt...
Then for some unknown reason, she also wore 2 shirt... 1 black ( out ) 1 white ( in ) maybe 1 more dunno what color ( in-in ) @@!
Hahaha... our color extremely outstanding, everywhere we go everyone looking at us strangely =.=" They must be thinking... these fresh new couple~~~ kakaz =P

Once reach midvalley, along the escalator side many Carl's Junior burger picture...
Haha so joyful teasing her saying I want eat burger with tons & layers of meat! =P
B4 that on ktm she'd complain hungry @@
Therefore we went to "mum mum" right away after reached...
We wanted to go pizza hut at first, but later on the way to pizza hut she saw secret recipe and shouted "cheese cake"!! haha, at last we took our lunch at secret recipe =D
She ordered New York Cheese without any thought, she knew I liked it... love you muchie oh darlingz ^^

"10 promises to my dog", we bought the ticket without knowing what movie it is >.< , its a japanese movie, Juin like it so much oh, she's interested in Japanese and Korean language =) So many things happen in the theatre oh...... ahh ahhh... dont misunderstood! I mean we can hear the raining from inside, sound of movie from other's theatre and few girls cried ( the movie is bit sad sad de ) @@ Later finish movie pulak, we walk walk walk... oh Pet shop! I said she reach home liao hahaha... Then we
get into a cat n dog fight (>.<) During the visit, she so T.T when saw the fishes's stomach up facing ( dying/dead )... sayang sayang oh~ Then we start shopping lur, err should say window shop == We entered so many shops, I wanted to buy her a bear bear... Actually I saw a big big + very nice to hug de doggy bear, she pulled me out fom the shop because she saw the price >.<>

Brief summary ---
11 AM, bus stop, ktm, mid valley, atm, shops, secret recipe, washroom, cinema, pet shop, man's shop, souvenir & presents shops, 18sx shop, The Garden, action shop ( where the piggy bear is bought ), vegetarian restaurant, MCD, Jusco, ktm, bus stop, block A then finally block N, 12 AM...
hahahaha =D

Please refer to http://hyeokgun.multiply.com for further detail hahaha ^^

* last time I'm just myself, but few days ago "I" consist of "she & I" =) *

Saturday, November 1, 2008

with my darlingz =D

hehe... my bad, I dunno how to smile ><"

my dear with spec and halls in hands @@ what are we looking at???

Now my every single second belongs to her already haha...
She wakes me up everyday then we go for lunch together hehe...
Then back to study room in her block to study for our coming Bio final exam...
Aiyoyo... cant really concentrate in my study while she's 1mm beside me =.="
Her every movements catch my sight @@!
At the same time, we holding hands too, which makes me focusing more on my hands =.=

Hmmm... I'm trying to adapt myself into her life as well...
My darlingz Juin is a "herbivor" =)
Yesterday's dinner I took my non-meat dinner with her hehe...
Well, I dont think I can 100% vege in a short period...
So, take it easy la... I told her every Friday I will have my vege day ^^
OMG OMG~ some of my best friends ------
kentucky chicken... fish and chips... burger king... mutton...
I gonna miss you animals someday T_____T

Today we went "Golden Bowl" for dinner, she ordered a "ma po taufu" without meat...
( it serves in soup like, taufu and ingredients all in )
Sad sad, the chef miscook it @@
I saw her face turned black in seconds T.T
I faster finish my food then help her filter out the "meat slices", then she slowly choose ONLY taufu...
So sad to see that la, make me feel like crying !_!
Luckily my naughty mouth is born to be capable in making her laugh & happy back =)

I'm in my room now, just came back from the study room again...
Just now we were listening to some sentimental songs ^^
Hahahaha! I told her this for the very first time...

She's so happy neh kakaz...
I will keep loving her ^^

* My heart is smiling when she's happy, when she's sad my breathe stopped... *

Friday, October 31, 2008

AHHHHHH!!! Someone please save me!!

Yesterday night,

no no no no...

It was this morning,

I hugged a creature which ancestor was a chimpanzee and later on diverged into a pig!! O.o

OMG OMG...how can mistakenly hugged such a thing?

This poor thing is only 19cm tall due to "perkembangan terbantut"....>.<

Sometimes, it's very hard to find this only creature of his own species,

Because it's extremely tiny you have to search for it under high power electron microscope~ =S

Sometimes, this creature finds it hard to look for me,

Because his eyes are too small he could not see pretty human being/Homo sapiens like me =.="

This creature loves to play volleyball, disturb gals (=P), hang out with his GAY friends, sometimes in CC =( , blast techno music and listen to English, Chinese, Japanese, Malay ( or maybe Indian or alien language?xD) songs and instrumentals.

Most importantly, this creature loves a beautiful girl like me. Wakakakaka...XD

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Thanks god I took this subject =)
And most important I get to become her lab partner =)
Then, I get to know her...
Msn... phone... lunch... dinner... swimming... and blablabla......
Then we're in relationship now! wakakaka~~
Love you, dear Yi Juin ^^


Yesterday 1st time go AO study room...
Say go study but actually playing games more than everything =.=
Guess who I went with???
My dear Yi Juin leh....
I called her dear, but actually not yet my dear @@
I'm so blur now... I dunno how to confess to her leh...
Was thinking to buy her a small present while confessing...
The problem is... in inti nilai what can I buy???

I'm so so undecidable, final is 3 days from now, then holidayz...
We cant see each other for 2 months ++, is that a factor? ><
Hopefully its not =)

* never try never know... go go go! *

Monday, October 27, 2008

happy birthday... ^^

Happie Birthday to my friends...
Ying Wah...
Shu Yi...

Too bad cant celebrate with any of them = =
YW's The Curve plan canceled because many of the friends say not free some say no money @@
SY went back home already, maybe wait her come back Inti 1st =D
Michelle in US leh... I don't have her contact also ><

Today only I realize my dear kai mui Melissa got see my blog haha...
After final exam, I going to date her lur hehehe...
After you go LeeHom concert remember to stay at home...
Wait for me ya~~~ ^^

* this semester... new friends new hopes new stories ^^ *

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Been 1-2 months never step into my blog...
Now I'm here again...
My friend, Sim asked me to update it...
Well, then I write something for today ba...

Lecturing for this semester has ended!
No more morning class lur hehe ^^
But... yea final exam is just ahead, 1 more week to go =(

My friend, Jia Ying...
Goodluck for her exam oh =D
Hope you're happy with your bf...

I missed my ex-roommate so much T.T
I would like to consider him as my soul mate, someone I can talk with... share my feelings without any doubt of worrying he will spread it...
At night in the room his voice is what accompanied me...
Now, only movies, songs, games and msn accompanying me >.<

Yeah... finally I understand...
I was taking the subject, Bio as she's too...
So I get to talk, discuss, play with, and understand her... perhaps
Then I realize that she and I were so so different...
In which way???
Our tastes...
Our styles...
Our characteristics...
Our ways of socializing...
And the biggest factor, Our FEELING!
Haha... seems I'm giving up in the last minutes?
3 days later is her birthday, I have no idea what should I present you.
I was thinking I might be giving her the earrings once again and + something else... ^^
Anyway, thanks for making me feel so "alive" all this time...

And now, I'm going to play "word challenge", compete the highscore of the new friend of mine, Yi Juin...
Wakakaka... so excited seeing her get mad after everytime I beat her highscore again!

* love is what I felt for you, but we don't belongs to each other... Now, sweet and bitter memories are what I can bury in my heart forever... *

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Why you telling me..........
I should know..........
but I don't wan to know now..........
You're spoiling my day, my study, my mood, my everything, everything and everything..........

What now???
How can I stop thinking about it???
I'm so so stress now la..........
I want to stop studying..........
I'm the only hope???
If I cant do it how???
Let it be..........

Goodluck Jade


* Jade, you have to face it... dont let it control you, you control it! *

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

best lab partner ever =D

Okay... how am I going to start this?
Oh yea... Yi Juin, 19 (2008), 25 August, Kedah and currently vegetarian?

Haha that's true, she's a vegetarian @@
1st friend of mine who don't eat meat ==

How am I suppose to describe this girl...
Lets start with... Characteristic??
Hell yeah... She's such a good person!
I found out I can talk whatever things with her...
She don't mind sharing her ( feelings and experiences ), which is a very important factor for carrying on a great conversation =D
And... other than just sharing, she's also a dam good listener!
Has been quite some time nobody listen to my querimony and giving acceptable opinion and feedback...

You know what...?
When we're telling something ( bad mood ) about ourselves, the person who are listening giving respond like " Ooo... oh... and? so? then?"
Sometimes keeping quite is better than these responds... for me
But this girl is different, she will ask something more than that such as... " how could that happen..., If I were you I might..., Hahaha you're stupid... "
I miss this type of conversation badly T.T
She can makes people feel better talking to her... especially when she challenges my words or laugh at me @@"

Aah aaah... if you ( Yi Juin ) are reading this blog, don't think too much ya!
I'm not blablabla you ah... bleeeeek =P

Actually there was another girl, Ying Wah who also can talk and chat with me very well, but... somehow she's always busy on her dancing competition and performance in another college... and of course she got many new friends other there, I'm off her social life already T.T
We're slowly slowly losing contact soon, sad to say that !_!

Her birthday is just end of this month, I requested her for 1 day date on 25 Oct instead of 27 ( actual day ) because 25 is Saturday no schooling =)
Hope she's free on that day, AND most importantly going out with me ^^
Waiting for you my lovely friend...

* most sincere conversation usually occurs between best friends because there's no boundaries / restrictions of topics between them... *

Saturday, October 4, 2008

what I did?

1 week... 1 week without any reply from her...
I dont know what happen...
I did something wrong?
or she's trying to slowly sneak away from my life?
Neither sms nor msn... neither personal nor studies questions she also never reply me...
I have to tell myself, her sibling was using the pc not her that's why never reply me... hope it really was...
That's the only reason I might accept...

"love 'em leave 'em"
This is her msn personal message...
I was thinking... "love me leave me" is what she's trying to express
The 'em includes me?
If yes... thanks god she does love me... highly impossible...

Lets move on to my life
Time to bury my feelings towards her
How good it is if there's no FEEL in this world, then there's no endless waiting...

* I wait and you wait... but I wait for you to come, you wait for me to go... If I go will you come? *

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Father's birthday ^^

big cow @@

Today I went to Serdang to meet my dad and my siblings for dinner... My papa birthday oh ^^
Our car parked in front of this restaurant with a cow cow haha...
I think this is the best carpark slot... 'Ngao (cow) Yat (one)" means birthday in Cantonese =D
but we went to another restaurant name "qing guan" which is the picture below...

Restaurant Chinese Korean

This is where we eat... Korean bbq =)
Actually there were many Korean bbq restaurant, around 10-15 @@
At last we chose this because more customers in this restaurant ^^

Yummy!! barbeque beef

Yum yum... sweet bbq beef... expensive leh...
The spare ribs is RM65, then cut into 20 pieces, equals to each more than 3 dollar @@

unlimited refill-able side dish ^^

The 1 I preferred the most is Kimchi...
Know what's that?
I will describe it as a 3'S dish...
Spicy + Sweet + Sour ^0^

~Happy Birthday 2 you~

~Happy Birthday 2 you~

~Happy Birthday Daddy~~~
~Happy Birthday 2 you~

* you bring me to this world of life, you breed me and educate me to become a person... you're my Father! =) *

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

life in Inti during holidayz

1 week in Inti during holiday really bored to death T.T
All friends went back except me, now I'm all alone...
So lazy to have my meals outside, rather stay in my room haiz...
I bought fruits as my break lunch and dinner, then all day long watching dramas in my room @@
What to do... lazy to go back because need to take bus...
Am I very bad? My mum at home but I stay in hostel never go back accompany her...
I'm missing her so much now T.T
I want to eat her cook!!!
During holiday many restaurants and stalls also closed, left those Mamak stalls... but now is Hari Raya holidays, most of the worker in Mamak stalls here are Malays... So even Mamak stalls also not open @@

* during college life, the only days you can go back home and meet you family is holidays... never stay in hostel, or you will regret! *

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A deadly email reply..

I'm very sorry, Fang, ut your GPA is not high enough for engineering (or any other major) at this time. When your grades come up, please send us an official transcript and we'll try again.

I'm DEAD!!!

* when you're damn upset and nothing you can do, go ahead and DIE! *

Sunday, September 28, 2008

F1 in s'pore

Just had my dinner with my dad, saw live racing in tv...
OMG! I saw a very terrifying scene @@
1 of the racing car speed away at the stop pit while the fuel hose still not unplug yet ==
Then the hose broken from the fuel tank, attaching to the car...
1 of the worker was pulled away by the hose and rolled on the floor...
Dangerous & deadly employment~~~
What if 1 day the car lose control when entering the stop pit and bang on the fuel?
Kaaaaaboooom!!! Holy shit explosion @@

* high risk high pay, no risk no pay... *

Saturday, September 27, 2008

new accompanies...?

Yesterday our lecturer ask do we aware of any new student in the class???
My goodness, he mean this fellow ==
Turtle! Turtle! Turtle!!!
Hehee... this a new arrival in my Bio lab oh ^^

Sooo hard to capture its picture...
It keeps swimming swimming non-stop, my hp camera not so high tech la @@

Sympathy this old harsh turtle, lets name it Mike @@
Why I name it so?
Do any of you remember Steve Irwin? A crocodile hunter!
Steve Irwin actually involved with other wildlife animals..
He used to name all the creatures "Mike" ^^
Sadly, he passed away because of a stupid stingray T.T
Everyone...... start barbecue-ing the stingray and eat them all!

Haha, come back to Mike...
There were other 5 or 6 turtles in another aquarium but Mike was all alone with those lil fishy T.T
When I first look at it... WOW! 1st time I see turtle having so big & long tail, its about 15cm long @@
My sister's turtle about 6 or 7 years old already the tail is just 5cm ==
All the best to Mike oh... hopefully it is not going to be an experiment tool like other snake, mouse, lizard and etc in the lab >.<

* some say everyday with the same friends is boring... what if all friends are not around??? eat play sleep all alone and talk to the wall T.T *

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Finally my very first time to Mybox in nilai ^^
& first time go with her and friends hahaha...
But I dont like singing using mic hehe...
She got sweet sweet de voice oh XD
Muakzz =)

Another friend name Yu Ting...
She got the gift from God... her voice so greatz, she can sing very very well!
If she participate any singing competition, I bet she will at least top 3 ^^

Car of the day
WoW classic!
Yellow color, dunno its actually yellow in color or the color of age ==
Haha... this car should be in museum by now @@
If I own this car, I wont on my roof on raining day, freezing cool & excited neh ^^

* I'm confused of my own field of interest, your interests become part of my soul in no time... am I still myself? *

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lecturing style

I have some question for survey for today...

Which style of lecturing do you prefer?
a) e-learning, download notes and study in front of PC
b) group discussion in class, every group present a different topic
c) lecturer keep writing on whiteboard and you copy copy copy
d) lecturer explain the topics in class
e) all topics given in projects/assignments, find your answer yourself

I personally prefer lecturer explaining in class, for me listening is the best learning ^^
My current lecturer now likes to form group discussion, and presenting on spot... then he just simply pass through...
Maybe time don't allow, he has to rush to cover all the syllabus within 8 weeks...
Haihz... I think this will help each of the group understand just their own topic only...
When others presenting you'll worry when its your turn, then how you concentrate on listening >.<
And we know that not everyone can explain well ( eg : me )

I'm so lost in his class now, or maybe soon @@
At the beginning it was still okay since not so complicated, but now its getting more detail... students presenting might not understand it as well... sad sad
Now, everyday I have to read online notes cause I cant really absorb anything from class ==

Hope to get some feedback from anyone... =)

* everyone has his/her own way in doing things, don't expect others to follow the way you want to... *

Monday, September 22, 2008

who so hardworking???

Who sooo hardworking???
Undeniable... this person is my roommate!
He has been preparing for his Physic test 1 for 1 week...
Yesterday my roommate, Johnny woke up so early to re-revision everything with his friends in common area ( where people gather & study together )...
He left me alone in the room until night T.T
We went dinner together then he once again went out to meet his friends =)
Oh my god... cant believe he gets so serious this time...
Johnny even din sleep yesterday to repeatedly see the notes, cause today test @@

Fundamental of Physics 8th edition

The notes and his text book... such a thick text book, 1200 pages!!!
Well... this text book consists of 2 parts...
Physic 1 need to cover half of it, and Physic 2 from half onward...
Crazy subject and text book, I own one of this text book too ==
I failed this subject twice... and now I'm trying to refresh myself, I'm taking Biologi instead of retake Physic for this semester to refresh my brain @@

Thousands of questions to solve >.<

Dont get cheated by the pictures, questions with pictures are even harder cause you need to analyse them T.T
Sorry to say that, my roommate is taking his 3rd times now, there's no choice he has to truely work hard for it...
Otherwise he qualifies to become lecturer already since he studied so many times =.=
However, he's accepted by University he applied, so whether he fail of pass this subject ( Physic ) he will still able to transfer to US...
Cheers for him!! my lovely Johnny ^^

* human often speaks louder than action... to achieve your dreams and goals dont use your mouth, use your heart! *

Saturday, September 20, 2008

my dear friend =)

Yu Ting

A friend of mine who always hanging her smile on her face =)
She's a "tall" sweetie but she always insists she's 180 ==
She's 24/7 keep laughing & laughing, I praise her so much...
Her bf went study oversea already lur, pity her @@
I believe long distance relationship is not a problem for her, she so sweet! ^^
Days ago we took dinner together, OMG she can never stop talking =.= but happy to have her fooling around with her sharp laughing voice ^^

Nasi Goreng Kampung

My first meal in Bondi =)
I ordered this nasi goreng kampung, but it taste like nasi goreng chilli ==
Its pretty delicious actually, but somehow its bit too spicy, maybe that's Indonesians' taste ^^
Hour ago I went toilet, feel spicy @@ lolz gross!!!

Below are the links of YouTube singing video of a girl... recommended from Eunice...
Oooww the girl's voice sweet neh, pretty somemore!!! Hahaha
If you're free, go and take a look =)
I viewed almost all of her singings hehe...


* look at you from the back better than look at you by your side... at least I dont feel uneasy not talking... *

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Inti survery...

Today when I'm on the way back to my room...
I saw someone doing survey about Inti...
This guy interviewing an international student...
"how do you think the quality of Inti College?"

I wonder, how to determine a quality of a college?

Internet connection?
Officer efficiency?
Lecturer sufficiency?
Workers attitude?

Haha I can simply list out those "good" quality of Inti... there're still more @@
I asked my roommate, he said uncountable ==

Just this afternoon, I saw 2 workers who came to change the room's furniture...
They carried the table half way until 2nd floor, 1 of them sitting there putting his leg on the table ( which every floor has 1 for students to study / cook ) shaking his leg & talking to a girl using loudspeaker somemore...
God damn it, half hour later I see he's still there talking!
No wonder when we request for replacing broken furniture, it cannot be done on that day, they will call some other day & confirm us if we're free when they are FREE...
Freaking disappointed...

* no matter how you promote yourself, you're still rubbish if people say you're sucks... *

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Precious mooncake!

Black Sesame Lotus 1 Yolk...

OMG! I successfully cheat this mooncake from her... haha ^^
Last week she went back hometown, I told her I want to eat mooncake & asked her buy 1 for me...
I was half joking half serious by that time @@
So... few days ago during class I asked her where's my mooncake? haha then 2 days later I got this =)
Thanks oh... but I feel like keeping it but not eating it haha...

Since I mention about mooncake again... remind me about my childhood romance ^^
Hmmm... I got a neighbour name Siang Siang...
She moved in at the same time as me... Our house's phone number differ in the last number only ( 3894 is mine, hers is 3895 ) =D

Maybe I can say... its a puppy love ^^
I always go to her house every afternoon, we walk to buy snacks together & sometimes cook lunch ourself... hehe I call home ask my mum how to cook @@
There was once, mooncake festival... We put mattress on the floor ( car park ) & sit there light the candles and eat mooncake, we secretly bought a bottle of champagne too ==
Lolz... Now think about it feels so stupid last time >.<
Celebration in Inti...
So crowded @@
Its fenced up by thousand of lanterns... This is the only entrance & exit...
Well... the most memorable mooncake festival celebration I could remember was with my secondary school friends mostly are my classmates =)

We all went to garden opposite a girl's house...
Last time this girl who used to lead us and plan the activities, but now... haiz the girls gang break dy ==
What's weird is this girl nickname is "zhu zhu" ( pig )...
She ( chinese ) dated with a guy ( malay ) OMG! speechless... at last they broke up dy haha...

Ok come back to the story... we went there at night, we had our dinner ( buffet ) at her house then we gathered at the garden opposite her house...
We chat there until morning... but what we chat was all about ghost stories @@
Hahaha if I not mistaken, 2 girls cried after hearing tons of ghost stories ==

Jade... me ^^
Hehe... I just cut my hair... looks younger? XD
Few weeks ago I heard someone say the hair saloon hired another pretty girl @@
Just now I went there as usual but this time expected to see the pretty as someone mentioned...

Haihhhh disappointed when I reached there... leng nui dun have leng zai also not there...
My regular leng zai barber not there dunno why...
Sad dy, have no choice but let a newbie cut my hair T.T
Too bad... he doesn't seems understand what I want...
But nvm, I remember the hair saloon owner once told me...
"Actually not my cutting nice, but the customers good looking no matter how I cut also nice!"
Then I feel safe, cause I know I'm good looking Muahahahahaha!!!
Today's post no comment allowed for this part ^^

* Dignity comes with confidence & trustworthiness... *

Monday, September 15, 2008

who's fault...?

Hmmm... today's post have nothing to do with myself =)
I saw 2 girls crying today @@
Curious what happen to them, so I naughty & secretly listen to some of the their conversation ^^
Experiment below is solely my opinion...

Observation : 2 girls crying because of their boyfriends
Question : Why are they crying?
Hypothesis : If a girl cry, then must be the boyfriend's fault
Procedure :
(a) ....................
(b) ....................
(c) ....................

Results :

Reason the girls cry
1st girl : Bf going to study oversea
2nd girl : Bf never reply her sms for day
3rd girl : Bf forgot her birthday
4th girl : Bf went out with friends never bring her
5th girl : Bf refuse her kiss

(a) He doesn't want me anymore
/ My parents want me to
(b) He replies other girls din reply me / Everyday sms bored
(c) He doesn't care about me / Guys never remember special days
(d) He scares I will embarrass him / Guys talk
(e) I'm not sexually attractive / I'm sick

Girls sensitive, guys many excuses... Nobody is to blame, fair ^^

If you dont agree with my conclusion, feel free to comment hehez...
Conclusion is subject to change according to feedbacks =)

* When it comes to relationship, girls are full of imagination & guys are creating more misunderstandings... *

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mooncake Festival

taken at 12 AM... carrying TangLung

Waseh... If its not Mooncake Festival maybe I think those are GHOST... @@
Haha... Now I realize Inti do have students who are still enjoying their childhood even in college ><
And you know what? When I ask my friends how they play TangLung... most of the guys say they BURNing it is their game == honestly, it same goes to me, I like to burn it too hahaha XD
Are my friends in US doing to same thing right now? Burning will get caught & jailed in US if you do so O.o

Dust in Nilai ( 1 )

Dust in Nilai ( 2 )

When I'm filling my water bottle, I saw the sky totally orange color, I rush back my room to get my phone to snap the sky ^^
Is it wonderful? Sooo nice, feel so relax looking at the sky ^^
The 2nd picture was taken just 3 seconds after then 1st picture...
Gap between 3 seconds got so big changes @@

Tomorrow is another Monday, can see her in class for 2 hours again =)
I think tomorrow I will get my test 1 result as well... nervous oh...... @@
Now I'm going to watch horror movie with my roommate...
tata everyone =)

* When bad things happen, it keeps coming one after another, but happy moments pass faster than everything... how unfair it is... *

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bio test 1









* Can science of Biology explain why she not attracted to me? My electronegativity very low? @@ *

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sunway visit 2...

elephant statue at the entrance to Sunway College

what you see? big cat? or lion?
Its the symbol for Sunway Piramid ^^

Eunice, driver for the day =)

All types of sushi I ate at Sushi Zanmai

Haiz... almost everytime go to mall also sushi ==
getting bored very soon...
Eunice friend recommend us there, but din show us the direction... we took 1 hour to find the restaurant... really sweat physically & mentally...

Is it too gold? first time buy gold color =)

I bought this shoes today hehez...
Gold in color... actually I wanted to buy another design I like more, but the shinning golden shoes lace I want only comes with this shoes so... I bought this ^^

Now is 2am, later 8am I will be having a test together with her...
So scary leh, worry if my test score lower than her than I'll be very embarrassing >.<" Nevermind la, if really lower than her I still got excuse... "she's around I cant concentrate la!" hahaha =P

* I'll show you my best because my motivation comes from you... *

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

my roommate...

Let me intro my roommate before I begin my topic =)
Name: Johnny
Age : 19 (2008)
Hometown : Ipoh
Hobbies : blast songs, computer games & vulgar words @@

my roommate

smoker drink milo...
Haiz... my room is a smoker @@!
Haiz... smoke but drink milo... drink alchohol la ==
Haiz... pity me go out supper with him...
Zzzzz... today I inhaled 2nd hand smoke from 2 friends...
Thanks god, he never smoke in the room =)

This is another picture I taken from an apartment, now finally got title suitable for it...

Can you compare this rubbish with the person in the picture above?
Its totally the same thing right?!?! Hahahahaha

* smoke bad, smoke unhealthy, smoke waste money ... why smoke??? *

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Subang 3+ hours tour...

1st time taking Inti bus to Subang... RM 5 per trip...

Cheap cheap only can reach Subang & go Sunway Piramid shopping ^^
but today's purpose was to accompany Eunice go find Pamela...
Eunice really lonely since her Bryan went US, she's trying to find friends to chit chat with her I guess...
I think had been 4 times she asked us to go Subang with her, but we got no time >.<

Today finally got free time... but unfortunately Inti bus to Subang available at 2:30 & from Subang back Nilai at 6:30
So, that means in between only have 3 hours deducted 1 hour drive T.T We met Pamela then we took taxi to Sunway Piramid for lunch, if I not mistaken the restaurant name "Hot Plate Plaza" =)

1 of the roof in Sunway Piramid... so illutic @@!

* living a life without friends is so lonely... learn to make friends & appreciate them are important... *

Monday, September 8, 2008

lecturer... you're wrong...

Today my Bio lecturer says I'm the happiest student in the class @@
I was stunned by his word @@
Do I look happy?
maybe I always smiling or laughing all the time...
but it doesn't means I'm happy =(

Just now I went dinner with my dad & my sister...
Something critical happen to my family's economy @@
my brother's company having some technical problem now...
Then my dad wants to set up another business ( final plan as he said )...
It is for helping my brother company, helping my uncle's company & for my education fees...
The model is quite high, yet myself also have to invest 10k into the company ==
My dad says only sponsor me 100k in RM for my study, the rest I have to find my on way T.T
That means start from second year in US will be my working + studying life experience... I'm scared..........
Pray for me... pray for my family business =)
If it is doing well then I can free to play play play ^^
but if failed, I gonna start suffering lur >.<

First time eating in "long sheng"
Inside was sooo big, but too bad its empty ==
I guess too luxury? or weekdays therefore nobody...
Ermm... about the food...
Yeah they do taste much better than normal restaurants, by the atmosphere there was soooo "lonely"...
If I'm to choose, I prefer eating somewhere I can see a lots of person eating together & chit chatting with each other =)
much comfortable than sitting in a big big hall, all the waiters look at you ( the only costumer ) =.=
Some pictures taken but due to some technical problem again, I cant transfer picture from my phone @@
will post it tomorrow =)

Here are the picture :
hard drinks corner


hehe... tissue ^^

my dinner

* what we see & what we heard are just an appearance, it cannot be use to conclude a person's inner feelings & behavior... *

Sunday, September 7, 2008






我们的开始 = 结束了



Friday, September 5, 2008

wonderful dream...

Oh my godness... I slept for 20 hours... I just woke up & refresh myself an hour ago @@"
lets start storying my dream, I could remember every single detail ---

I went to class early morning, after class I followed my friend to make enrollment payment...
Once I reached the reception hall I was shocked... I got a queue number 98, and the current number was 40 ==
yet you know... Inti's officers efficiency are totally sucks... if I was stupid enough to wait there, maybe my turn is 4-5 hours later...
One of my friend got there earlier than me, her queue number was 69, she was lazy to wait therefore she tries to cut queue!
Hahaha she failed =P but I successfully cut queue because I know one of the part time student who working there ^^
I asked my loser friend come to make her payment after my turn hehez...
I'm so kind am I? I know everyone knows I am kind la =D

After that, I heard my friends saying they're going to 1 Utama shopping...
Wooooo I'm so excited, because a special girl ( for me ) going too!
Immediately I called Johnny come along... and we join the girls =)
lolz... its gonna be a happy dream if she's involved ^^

Reception hall ---> ATM machine ---> Taxi ---> 1 Utama --->
Here we start our journey in the mall... the first shop we entered was Tough, my playful nerve was activated by a furry accessories ( neck ) for girls...
I had a try of the accessories & showed my friends... She laughed like mad looking at me! maybe its a shame, but so happy seeing her laughing ^^

We went to walk around after leaving the shop... she said hungry, so we start looking for food, but nobody has any idea where to eat or I should say nobody dare to decide? Hehe... I made my move saying "sushi!" , at last we had our 'brunch' in Sakae Sushi =)
Our meal was accompanied by non-stop jokes & laughing... playing with the kids beside our table @@
Hahaha... so many characters in my dream @@
Jia Ying "painting" many many green, sticky, disgusting & "spicy" wasabi on my sushi then force me to eat >.<"
Pity me T.T become a girl's toy, but nvm la my suffering was substituted by her sexiness 50cm in front of me XD

Lets briefly conclude our shopping... its a whole day time in dream & in real, too many to write, I think I forgotten some details too since it was a dream @@
I accompanied her into every shop choosing shirts, agree some of her taste but sometimes purposely laugh at her too kakaka!
But one thing I feel sad, the whole day there I still not manage to help her find high heel shoes she likes T.T
Haha... stupid me @@ its a dream also sad, everything we bought in dream are not real at all la ==

We took our dinner there too... but the plate I ordered not so nice >.<
really first time tasting food in dream that is not delicious, usually are all very good ^^
Oh yeah, left out 1 thing... we watched a movie "money no enough"
No idea how to rate this movie, not very good but also not too bad haha...
It was a funny movie + some touching story... Laugh until tears coming out, then suddenly sad until tears also almost coming out @@

Haha... I think that's all I remembered... but I do hope the dream is real, first time went to mall with her, eat, talk, jokes, shopping... and the happiest thing is I can see her for more than 12 hours in my dream!

Haiz... I woke up at 11PM... really hoping I was not dreaming, I'm curious if I taking any picture during the dream... hahaha XD
Stupidly, I take out my phone & check full of hope...

OMG OMG OMG!!! there're pictures there!!! Hahahahahahaha... everything is real!!! I did attend my class, sitting besides her for the first time... went to shopping with her for the very first time for from morning to night too! ^^

Time to take a look of some pictures ---

taken in Sakae Sushi
My lunch, some left over sushi.. looks so disgusting... Jia Ying's special decoration... I'm force to eat them all T.T

she taking eyes test
Muahaha... manage to secretly take this photo...
She took the eye test after I done it =)
My results was same as 5 years ago, cant believe it never worsen...
maybe my eyes getting better after seeing her all the time ^^
I tried her spec when she's testing her eyes hehe... its a lil bit loose than my spec kaka...
baby fat face =) I like oh, chubby chubby =P

tissue in fine packing
That's her behind the tissue ^^
Cannot be shown here to others, scare someone going to compete with me after seeing her pretty? sweet? cute? face... bluek =P

my dinner... looks like maggi, not nice >.<"
Looks good but taste not so... disappointed... well nvm... ( you qing he shui bao ) which means... she's around drink water also happy enough =D

last taufu & shiny golden bao
Hehe... I din take the picture of my friends... I know she will definitely scold me if doing so...
So I just snap their hands ^^

Haha... sorry for being so childish in this blog @@
I'm trying something fresh to avoid reader getting bored ^^
Feel free to comment & idea teach me how to improve my blog, thanks =)

Before ending my post, I would like to advice everyone... Birthday wish do comes true if you're wishing sincerely...

* I believe wish will comes true if I try to achieve it... love won't flies to you, you have to grab it by yourself... *

I miss......

I miss you... my mum & her cook too!!!
WOW... can you see the huge fish? name ( hong ban )
My mum's friend who own a fishing boat caught this fish from Pulau Tioman... and my mum bought it very cheap... around RM 30 for this 4kg fish...
Actually if we order this fish at restaurant usually RM 50-60 per kg!
My mum said I'm fat since came to college...
but during last holiday, I found out I'm fatter after holiday eating at home @@!
Now back to hostel again, cant eat so good lur... T.T
Awaiting for another sem break go back eat eat eat XD

Yesterday I called my dad again, asking him whether the financial statement for my University application is ready... I think it was my 7th times asked him @@
Actually I decided to send all the documents on Friday, but yesterday I told my dad its not so urgent, I can send it next week...
Then today my brother called me said he got the financial statement already, it was settled! ^^

I miss you... my laptop!!!
hehe... yesterday night finally it is back in my arms =)

It came back with a brand new adapter =D
The people who repaired my laptop for 3 times suspects it could because of my adapter 's electric flow unstable...
Let's pray for my laptop stay "healthy" from now on ^^

* talk to her nicely, ask him slowly, use it gently... they all will treat you better as well... *

Thursday, September 4, 2008

to singles & couples










Wednesday, September 3, 2008


2nd of September... I went to MPH for enrollment, but my roommate woke up so late, we reach MPH around lunch time...
So many people were there, we're lazy to wait...
therefore we went lunch & end up sitting in cyber cafe...
haha then hours from afternoon to evening gone >.<

Dinner time, oh sad... before this I always having dinner with lotsof friends... now left Johnny & I...
I guess starting this sem my dinner gang will be samantha, wei jie & his roommate =)

The next day, 3rd of Sep... I enrolled for Bio 1... hahaha can same class with her finally ^^
at first Eunice wanted to enroll Bio 1 as well... but clashing with Chem 1 ( her co subjcet )
Too bad, cant same class with Eunice... Bryan going to scold me never take care his gf @@

Later back to my room, watched Moonlight Resonance ( Jia Hao Yue Yuan ) for the whole day =D
night cant sleep well... know why? too excited for the next day class with her!!! hahahaha

* appreciate every moment you have now, we never know what's next... *

Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm back in INTI =)

Yay yay... finally holiday ended T.T
but its a good thing though... schooling is more meaningful than my holiday =)
My new roommate is Johnny Gay now =D

Few days ago... I back to my secondary school play volleyball with my friends... WoW... has been a long time I never touch volley...

Since too long never play, my hands got back the feeling of pain while receiving balls... both hands blueblack from wrist to elbow in the inner side, just like when I'm still a beginner >.<"

That day I went volley, I saw my ex-gf... she looks so scared at me @@
I almost lost my control go hit her hahaha... ^^
She spreading terrible rumours to build up her image after we broke up!!!
Haiz... forgive her ba, she still young that time =)

* love & hate are linked... who knows? *