Wednesday, September 3, 2008


2nd of September... I went to MPH for enrollment, but my roommate woke up so late, we reach MPH around lunch time...
So many people were there, we're lazy to wait...
therefore we went lunch & end up sitting in cyber cafe...
haha then hours from afternoon to evening gone >.<

Dinner time, oh sad... before this I always having dinner with lotsof friends... now left Johnny & I...
I guess starting this sem my dinner gang will be samantha, wei jie & his roommate =)

The next day, 3rd of Sep... I enrolled for Bio 1... hahaha can same class with her finally ^^
at first Eunice wanted to enroll Bio 1 as well... but clashing with Chem 1 ( her co subjcet )
Too bad, cant same class with Eunice... Bryan going to scold me never take care his gf @@

Later back to my room, watched Moonlight Resonance ( Jia Hao Yue Yuan ) for the whole day =D
night cant sleep well... know why? too excited for the next day class with her!!! hahahaha

* appreciate every moment you have now, we never know what's next... *

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