Tuesday, October 7, 2008

best lab partner ever =D

Okay... how am I going to start this?
Oh yea... Yi Juin, 19 (2008), 25 August, Kedah and currently vegetarian?

Haha that's true, she's a vegetarian @@
1st friend of mine who don't eat meat ==

How am I suppose to describe this girl...
Lets start with... Characteristic??
Hell yeah... She's such a good person!
I found out I can talk whatever things with her...
She don't mind sharing her ( feelings and experiences ), which is a very important factor for carrying on a great conversation =D
And... other than just sharing, she's also a dam good listener!
Has been quite some time nobody listen to my querimony and giving acceptable opinion and feedback...

You know what...?
When we're telling something ( bad mood ) about ourselves, the person who are listening giving respond like " Ooo... oh... and? so? then?"
Sometimes keeping quite is better than these responds... for me
But this girl is different, she will ask something more than that such as... " how could that happen..., If I were you I might..., Hahaha you're stupid... "
I miss this type of conversation badly T.T
She can makes people feel better talking to her... especially when she challenges my words or laugh at me @@"

Aah aaah... if you ( Yi Juin ) are reading this blog, don't think too much ya!
I'm not blablabla you ah... bleeeeek =P

Actually there was another girl, Ying Wah who also can talk and chat with me very well, but... somehow she's always busy on her dancing competition and performance in another college... and of course she got many new friends other there, I'm off her social life already T.T
We're slowly slowly losing contact soon, sad to say that !_!

Her birthday is just end of this month, I requested her for 1 day date on 25 Oct instead of 27 ( actual day ) because 25 is Saturday no schooling =)
Hope she's free on that day, AND most importantly going out with me ^^
Waiting for you my lovely friend...

* most sincere conversation usually occurs between best friends because there's no boundaries / restrictions of topics between them... *


Anonymous said...

omg yai yai lar jade jade.. ahaha..

jadelim said...

what you trying to say oh @@
dont simply think =p

Anonymous said...

ya i try to think it as complicated as i could.. ahahahhahah..

Anonymous said...

wah uncle jade!=D u write until like i'm sooo sooo good...(but actually i'm better than that loh...xD..jk)
so touched and happy!T___T
thanx for ur praises o^^...
u're quite a ..hmm..."good" lab partner oso~
i noe u blablabla someone else lar..no worries~hahahaha
dun ever think i'll bla3 u too~=P