Friday, October 31, 2008

AHHHHHH!!! Someone please save me!!

Yesterday night,

no no no no...

It was this morning,

I hugged a creature which ancestor was a chimpanzee and later on diverged into a pig!! O.o

OMG can mistakenly hugged such a thing?

This poor thing is only 19cm tall due to "perkembangan terbantut"....>.<

Sometimes, it's very hard to find this only creature of his own species,

Because it's extremely tiny you have to search for it under high power electron microscope~ =S

Sometimes, this creature finds it hard to look for me,

Because his eyes are too small he could not see pretty human being/Homo sapiens like me =.="

This creature loves to play volleyball, disturb gals (=P), hang out with his GAY friends, sometimes in CC =( , blast techno music and listen to English, Chinese, Japanese, Malay ( or maybe Indian or alien language?xD) songs and instrumentals.

Most importantly, this creature loves a beautiful girl like me. Wakakakaka...XD

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