Friday, September 5, 2008

wonderful dream...

Oh my godness... I slept for 20 hours... I just woke up & refresh myself an hour ago @@"
lets start storying my dream, I could remember every single detail ---

I went to class early morning, after class I followed my friend to make enrollment payment...
Once I reached the reception hall I was shocked... I got a queue number 98, and the current number was 40 ==
yet you know... Inti's officers efficiency are totally sucks... if I was stupid enough to wait there, maybe my turn is 4-5 hours later...
One of my friend got there earlier than me, her queue number was 69, she was lazy to wait therefore she tries to cut queue!
Hahaha she failed =P but I successfully cut queue because I know one of the part time student who working there ^^
I asked my loser friend come to make her payment after my turn hehez...
I'm so kind am I? I know everyone knows I am kind la =D

After that, I heard my friends saying they're going to 1 Utama shopping...
Wooooo I'm so excited, because a special girl ( for me ) going too!
Immediately I called Johnny come along... and we join the girls =)
lolz... its gonna be a happy dream if she's involved ^^

Reception hall ---> ATM machine ---> Taxi ---> 1 Utama --->
Here we start our journey in the mall... the first shop we entered was Tough, my playful nerve was activated by a furry accessories ( neck ) for girls...
I had a try of the accessories & showed my friends... She laughed like mad looking at me! maybe its a shame, but so happy seeing her laughing ^^

We went to walk around after leaving the shop... she said hungry, so we start looking for food, but nobody has any idea where to eat or I should say nobody dare to decide? Hehe... I made my move saying "sushi!" , at last we had our 'brunch' in Sakae Sushi =)
Our meal was accompanied by non-stop jokes & laughing... playing with the kids beside our table @@
Hahaha... so many characters in my dream @@
Jia Ying "painting" many many green, sticky, disgusting & "spicy" wasabi on my sushi then force me to eat >.<"
Pity me T.T become a girl's toy, but nvm la my suffering was substituted by her sexiness 50cm in front of me XD

Lets briefly conclude our shopping... its a whole day time in dream & in real, too many to write, I think I forgotten some details too since it was a dream @@
I accompanied her into every shop choosing shirts, agree some of her taste but sometimes purposely laugh at her too kakaka!
But one thing I feel sad, the whole day there I still not manage to help her find high heel shoes she likes T.T
Haha... stupid me @@ its a dream also sad, everything we bought in dream are not real at all la ==

We took our dinner there too... but the plate I ordered not so nice >.<
really first time tasting food in dream that is not delicious, usually are all very good ^^
Oh yeah, left out 1 thing... we watched a movie "money no enough"
No idea how to rate this movie, not very good but also not too bad haha...
It was a funny movie + some touching story... Laugh until tears coming out, then suddenly sad until tears also almost coming out @@

Haha... I think that's all I remembered... but I do hope the dream is real, first time went to mall with her, eat, talk, jokes, shopping... and the happiest thing is I can see her for more than 12 hours in my dream!

Haiz... I woke up at 11PM... really hoping I was not dreaming, I'm curious if I taking any picture during the dream... hahaha XD
Stupidly, I take out my phone & check full of hope...

OMG OMG OMG!!! there're pictures there!!! Hahahahahahaha... everything is real!!! I did attend my class, sitting besides her for the first time... went to shopping with her for the very first time for from morning to night too! ^^

Time to take a look of some pictures ---

taken in Sakae Sushi
My lunch, some left over sushi.. looks so disgusting... Jia Ying's special decoration... I'm force to eat them all T.T

she taking eyes test
Muahaha... manage to secretly take this photo...
She took the eye test after I done it =)
My results was same as 5 years ago, cant believe it never worsen...
maybe my eyes getting better after seeing her all the time ^^
I tried her spec when she's testing her eyes hehe... its a lil bit loose than my spec kaka...
baby fat face =) I like oh, chubby chubby =P

tissue in fine packing
That's her behind the tissue ^^
Cannot be shown here to others, scare someone going to compete with me after seeing her pretty? sweet? cute? face... bluek =P

my dinner... looks like maggi, not nice >.<"
Looks good but taste not so... disappointed... well nvm... ( you qing he shui bao ) which means... she's around drink water also happy enough =D

last taufu & shiny golden bao
Hehe... I din take the picture of my friends... I know she will definitely scold me if doing so...
So I just snap their hands ^^

Haha... sorry for being so childish in this blog @@
I'm trying something fresh to avoid reader getting bored ^^
Feel free to comment & idea teach me how to improve my blog, thanks =)

Before ending my post, I would like to advice everyone... Birthday wish do comes true if you're wishing sincerely...

* I believe wish will comes true if I try to achieve it... love won't flies to you, you have to grab it by yourself... *


Anonymous said...

really sweat lar..
ahahah speechless speechless..

but not bad what..
jia you lar k..


jadelim said...

I will jia you =)
You study also jia you oh ^^