Friday, October 31, 2008

AHHHHHH!!! Someone please save me!!

Yesterday night,

no no no no...

It was this morning,

I hugged a creature which ancestor was a chimpanzee and later on diverged into a pig!! O.o

OMG can mistakenly hugged such a thing?

This poor thing is only 19cm tall due to "perkembangan terbantut"....>.<

Sometimes, it's very hard to find this only creature of his own species,

Because it's extremely tiny you have to search for it under high power electron microscope~ =S

Sometimes, this creature finds it hard to look for me,

Because his eyes are too small he could not see pretty human being/Homo sapiens like me =.="

This creature loves to play volleyball, disturb gals (=P), hang out with his GAY friends, sometimes in CC =( , blast techno music and listen to English, Chinese, Japanese, Malay ( or maybe Indian or alien language?xD) songs and instrumentals.

Most importantly, this creature loves a beautiful girl like me. Wakakakaka...XD

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Thanks god I took this subject =)
And most important I get to become her lab partner =)
Then, I get to know her...
Msn... phone... lunch... dinner... swimming... and blablabla......
Then we're in relationship now! wakakaka~~
Love you, dear Yi Juin ^^


Yesterday 1st time go AO study room...
Say go study but actually playing games more than everything =.=
Guess who I went with???
My dear Yi Juin leh....
I called her dear, but actually not yet my dear @@
I'm so blur now... I dunno how to confess to her leh...
Was thinking to buy her a small present while confessing...
The problem is... in inti nilai what can I buy???

I'm so so undecidable, final is 3 days from now, then holidayz...
We cant see each other for 2 months ++, is that a factor? ><
Hopefully its not =)

* never try never know... go go go! *

Monday, October 27, 2008

happy birthday... ^^

Happie Birthday to my friends...
Ying Wah...
Shu Yi...

Too bad cant celebrate with any of them = =
YW's The Curve plan canceled because many of the friends say not free some say no money @@
SY went back home already, maybe wait her come back Inti 1st =D
Michelle in US leh... I don't have her contact also ><

Today only I realize my dear kai mui Melissa got see my blog haha...
After final exam, I going to date her lur hehehe...
After you go LeeHom concert remember to stay at home...
Wait for me ya~~~ ^^

* this semester... new friends new hopes new stories ^^ *

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Been 1-2 months never step into my blog...
Now I'm here again...
My friend, Sim asked me to update it...
Well, then I write something for today ba...

Lecturing for this semester has ended!
No more morning class lur hehe ^^
But... yea final exam is just ahead, 1 more week to go =(

My friend, Jia Ying...
Goodluck for her exam oh =D
Hope you're happy with your bf...

I missed my ex-roommate so much T.T
I would like to consider him as my soul mate, someone I can talk with... share my feelings without any doubt of worrying he will spread it...
At night in the room his voice is what accompanied me...
Now, only movies, songs, games and msn accompanying me >.<

Yeah... finally I understand...
I was taking the subject, Bio as she's too...
So I get to talk, discuss, play with, and understand her... perhaps
Then I realize that she and I were so so different...
In which way???
Our tastes...
Our styles...
Our characteristics...
Our ways of socializing...
And the biggest factor, Our FEELING!
Haha... seems I'm giving up in the last minutes?
3 days later is her birthday, I have no idea what should I present you.
I was thinking I might be giving her the earrings once again and + something else... ^^
Anyway, thanks for making me feel so "alive" all this time...

And now, I'm going to play "word challenge", compete the highscore of the new friend of mine, Yi Juin...
Wakakaka... so excited seeing her get mad after everytime I beat her highscore again!

* love is what I felt for you, but we don't belongs to each other... Now, sweet and bitter memories are what I can bury in my heart forever... *

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Why you telling me..........
I should know..........
but I don't wan to know now..........
You're spoiling my day, my study, my mood, my everything, everything and everything..........

What now???
How can I stop thinking about it???
I'm so so stress now la..........
I want to stop studying..........
I'm the only hope???
If I cant do it how???
Let it be..........

Goodluck Jade


* Jade, you have to face it... dont let it control you, you control it! *

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

best lab partner ever =D

Okay... how am I going to start this?
Oh yea... Yi Juin, 19 (2008), 25 August, Kedah and currently vegetarian?

Haha that's true, she's a vegetarian @@
1st friend of mine who don't eat meat ==

How am I suppose to describe this girl...
Lets start with... Characteristic??
Hell yeah... She's such a good person!
I found out I can talk whatever things with her...
She don't mind sharing her ( feelings and experiences ), which is a very important factor for carrying on a great conversation =D
And... other than just sharing, she's also a dam good listener!
Has been quite some time nobody listen to my querimony and giving acceptable opinion and feedback...

You know what...?
When we're telling something ( bad mood ) about ourselves, the person who are listening giving respond like " Ooo... oh... and? so? then?"
Sometimes keeping quite is better than these responds... for me
But this girl is different, she will ask something more than that such as... " how could that happen..., If I were you I might..., Hahaha you're stupid... "
I miss this type of conversation badly T.T
She can makes people feel better talking to her... especially when she challenges my words or laugh at me @@"

Aah aaah... if you ( Yi Juin ) are reading this blog, don't think too much ya!
I'm not blablabla you ah... bleeeeek =P

Actually there was another girl, Ying Wah who also can talk and chat with me very well, but... somehow she's always busy on her dancing competition and performance in another college... and of course she got many new friends other there, I'm off her social life already T.T
We're slowly slowly losing contact soon, sad to say that !_!

Her birthday is just end of this month, I requested her for 1 day date on 25 Oct instead of 27 ( actual day ) because 25 is Saturday no schooling =)
Hope she's free on that day, AND most importantly going out with me ^^
Waiting for you my lovely friend...

* most sincere conversation usually occurs between best friends because there's no boundaries / restrictions of topics between them... *

Saturday, October 4, 2008

what I did?

1 week... 1 week without any reply from her...
I dont know what happen...
I did something wrong?
or she's trying to slowly sneak away from my life?
Neither sms nor msn... neither personal nor studies questions she also never reply me...
I have to tell myself, her sibling was using the pc not her that's why never reply me... hope it really was...
That's the only reason I might accept...

"love 'em leave 'em"
This is her msn personal message...
I was thinking... "love me leave me" is what she's trying to express
The 'em includes me?
If yes... thanks god she does love me... highly impossible...

Lets move on to my life
Time to bury my feelings towards her
How good it is if there's no FEEL in this world, then there's no endless waiting...

* I wait and you wait... but I wait for you to come, you wait for me to go... If I go will you come? *

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Father's birthday ^^

big cow @@

Today I went to Serdang to meet my dad and my siblings for dinner... My papa birthday oh ^^
Our car parked in front of this restaurant with a cow cow haha...
I think this is the best carpark slot... 'Ngao (cow) Yat (one)" means birthday in Cantonese =D
but we went to another restaurant name "qing guan" which is the picture below...

Restaurant Chinese Korean

This is where we eat... Korean bbq =)
Actually there were many Korean bbq restaurant, around 10-15 @@
At last we chose this because more customers in this restaurant ^^

Yummy!! barbeque beef

Yum yum... sweet bbq beef... expensive leh...
The spare ribs is RM65, then cut into 20 pieces, equals to each more than 3 dollar @@

unlimited refill-able side dish ^^

The 1 I preferred the most is Kimchi...
Know what's that?
I will describe it as a 3'S dish...
Spicy + Sweet + Sour ^0^

~Happy Birthday 2 you~

~Happy Birthday 2 you~

~Happy Birthday Daddy~~~
~Happy Birthday 2 you~

* you bring me to this world of life, you breed me and educate me to become a person... you're my Father! =) *

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

life in Inti during holidayz

1 week in Inti during holiday really bored to death T.T
All friends went back except me, now I'm all alone...
So lazy to have my meals outside, rather stay in my room haiz...
I bought fruits as my break lunch and dinner, then all day long watching dramas in my room @@
What to do... lazy to go back because need to take bus...
Am I very bad? My mum at home but I stay in hostel never go back accompany her...
I'm missing her so much now T.T
I want to eat her cook!!!
During holiday many restaurants and stalls also closed, left those Mamak stalls... but now is Hari Raya holidays, most of the worker in Mamak stalls here are Malays... So even Mamak stalls also not open @@

* during college life, the only days you can go back home and meet you family is holidays... never stay in hostel, or you will regret! *