Sunday, February 15, 2009

14th Feb... ~Juin's Day~ ^o^

It's gal gal day!!! =D
Ah gal wear I bought her de clothes oh... nice nice leh... just the clothes!
Wakakakakakaz... =P
The dress nice nice only... my gal PERFECT wor~!!! hehe MuacZzzZzzzzz ^^
Juin made me a... dunno call what, picture frame for putting inside my wallet...
Thanks oh =) even though I prefer getting $ for my wallet hahaz... =P
She also bought me a tracksuit since I all the time wear tracksuit =D
Heheee... thx oh darlingz... but she still washing it @@
Wanna see what she got for her valentine's present jz go go visit her blog oh =D
Am I promoting her blog? @@"
Good things must promote to others right?
BUT she belongs to me oh!! hahaha~

~~Always love Yi Juin muchie muchie~~


hyeokgun said...

=.= budak ni~~lazy to write always promote my blog~~ish ish~~
ppl cant see in my blog one..i set it for contacts only ^^
bought u sth else ar u din write =( dun wanna giv it back to u alr...=P

jadelim said...

haha... you bought me a pants but I not yet receive it wor ><
You washing it din give me yet @@

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